ME Awareness Week:
      I got a virus, I didn’t die, but I never recovered



#MEAction network video, May 2020

A short film by people with ME and experts, warning of the long term consequences that viruses can have.

Professor Chris Ponting and Dr Nina Muirhead give their expert testimony, and many people with ME  submitted videos. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people living with ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and other chronic illnesses will grow.

Debilitating symptoms won’t resolve, and physical isolation won’t end. We are the #MillionsMissing, and we call for an urgent response to mitigate this coming crisis. The time to educate healthcare workers, invest in biomedical research and treatments, and expand accessibility is now.

For many years the treatment recommended to people with ME in the UK has harmed a majority who undergo it. We need change now.

Learn more:

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