Category Archives: News

FITNET’s internet-based CBT may impede natural recovery in adolescents with ME/CFS

Review abstract: FITNET’s Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is ineffective and may impede natural recovery in adolescents with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A Review, by Simin Ghatineh and Mark Vink in Behav Sci (Basel). 2017 Aug 11;7(3). pii: E52 The Dutch Fatigue … Continue reading

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Is SEID comparable to research case definitions of CFS?

Two groups of American researchers debate the appropriateness of using case definitions for research purposes. Article abstract: Mistaken conclusions about systemic exercise intolerance disease being comparable to research case definitions of CFS: a rebuttal to Chu et al., by Leonard A. Jason, Madison Sunnquist, Kristen … Continue reading

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This is why I quit exercise therapy

Buzzfeed news blog post, by Camilla Maxted, 6 Aug 2017: This is why I quite exercise therapy When it comes to my illness, I’ve learned to listen to my symptoms, trust my body, and give it the one thing it … Continue reading

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Increase in the Regional Cerebral Blood Flow following Waon Therapy in Patients with CFS

Research abstract: Increase in the Regional Cerebral Blood Flow following Waon Therapy in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Pilot Study, by  T Munemoto, Y Soejima, A Masuda, Y Nakabeppu, C Tei, in Intern Med. 2017;56(14):1817-1824 [Epub 2017 Jul 15] Objective: … Continue reading

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Cytokine responses to exercise & activity in patients with CFS

Cytokine responses to exercise and activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: case control study, by LV Clark, M Buckland, G Murphy, N Taylor, V Vleck, C Mein, E. Wozniak, M. Smuk, P.D. White in Clinical and Experimental Immunology August … Continue reading

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Epigenetics study highlights metabolic problems in ME/CFS

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 30 July 2017: Epigenetics Study Highlights Metabolic Problems in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) There was a time that the HPA axis was “it” in chronic fatigue syndrome. More studies have been done on … Continue reading

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A plea from a fallen doctor on ME/CFS

Reddit blog post, 9 Aug 2017: A plea from a fallen doctor on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) I was educated at Baylor and practiced medicine for 30 years. I had a thriving practice, a rich social life, and excellent physical … Continue reading

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Physiological measures in participants with CFS, MS & healthy controls following repeated exercise: a pilot study.

Research abstract: Physiological measures in participants with chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and healthy controls following repeated exercise: a pilot study by LD Hodges, T Nielsen, D Baken in Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2017 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print] PURPOSE: … Continue reading

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OMF’s Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS 12 Aug 2017 – watch online

Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS Sponsored by Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) Saturday, August 12, 2017 The Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is pleased to announce that the Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University … Continue reading

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The European ME/CFS Biomarker Landscape project

The European ME/CFS Biomarker Landscape project: an initiative of the European network EUROMENE, by Carmen Scheibenbogen, Helma Freitag, Julià Blanco, Enrica Capelli, Eliana Lacerda, Jerome Authier, Mira Meeus, Jesus Castro Marrero, Zaiga Nora-Krukle, Elisa Oltra, Elin Bolle Strand, Evelina Shikova, … Continue reading

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