Category Archives: News

#WAMES_800 fundraising journey boost

£300 in donations – approaching our goal!   A BIG thank you is due to 3 people in West Wales who have donated £300 between them to keep WAMES ‘Working for ME in Wales‘! This is a big boost for … Continue reading

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Hypothesis: Multisystemic dyshomeostasis (faulty thermostat theory) in ME/CFS & PASC

Converging evidence of similar symptomatology of ME/CFS and PASC   A review article by independent researcher David Marks looks at the overlap in symptoms between ME/CFS and Long COVID and makes a speculative hypothesis about biological mechanisms. Conclusions: (1) The … Continue reading

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Research review: What causes ME/CFS: The role of the dysfunctional immune system & viral infections

Is the immune dysregulation hypothesis proven?   A European team led by Dr Amolak Bansal review a number of areas of research into ME/CFS before concluding: “After over 20 year of attempting to identify specific immune defects and infectious agents … Continue reading

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Research review-Long COVID increases the risk of several conditions including ME/CFS

Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations   A US review of long COVID research finds it affects 65m people+. Both COVID-19 and long COVID increase the risk of several medical conditions, including ME & POTS. “Long COVID is a … Continue reading

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CFS/ME in adolescents: Practical guidance & management challenges

Practical guidance and management challenges of ME/CFS in adolescents Australian paediatrician Dr Katherine Rowe has written a paper for practitioners, based on her own experience, which reviews the current understanding of ME/CFS and highlights effective management strategies for adolescents. As … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS & PEM found in many with Long COVID

ME/CFS and Post-Exertional Malaise among patients with long COVID   Prof Leonard Jason and Joseph Dorri found 58% of 465 long COVID patients met the criteria for ME/CFS, confirming the findings of previous research.   Research abstract: This study sought … Continue reading

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Research: Brain fog is similar in Long COVID & ME/CFS

Brain fog of post-COVID-19 condition and ME/CFS, same medical disorder?   Spanish researchers studied cognitive impairment in people with post-COVID syndrome and ME/CFS. They found similar symptoms and cognitive impairment in both groups, with greater physical and neuropsychiatric problems in … Continue reading

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NICE guideline implementation in Wales update

Is NHS Wales implementing the NICE guideline?   WAMES has been asking Health Boards in Wales during 2022  how they are implementing the 2021 ME/CFS NICE guideline. Although progress is excruciatingly slow, there are signs that some are making changes. … Continue reading

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Christmas greetings & opening hours

Seasons greetings from all at WAMES   WAMES is run by volunteers, many of whom have ME or care for us. We  will be taking some time off over the festive period so we can start the new year refreshed … Continue reading

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#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey – half way to our target

#WAMES_800  4th target reached   Great news – the £400 milestone has been reached and we are half way to reaching our £800 fundraising target. A big thank you to someone who made us their Christmas gift this year! The … Continue reading

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