Category Archives: News

ME and rituximab in Notodden Norway

ME-foreldrene blog: Lecture by Hanne Thürmer, Notodden. RituxME and current development, 13 April 2016 Lecture by dr Hanne Thürmer, Notodden Hospital Original in Norwegian/Norsk original From a lecture given at the local department of the Norwegian ME-association in Notodden, avd … Continue reading

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Are people with ME disabled?

TIPSFORME blog: Are you Disabled?, by Jenny, 15 April 2016 On Twitter there have been some interesting discussions this week about disability identity and ME. I think this is worth everyone with ME thinking about. For most of us ME is … Continue reading

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Video interview with parent Mary Dimmock about her son and rituximab

Episode 78 of Llewellyn King’s ME/CFS Alert videos interviews Mary Dimmock, whose son has ME and who is receiving RITUXAN (rituximab) treatment privately. (24 mins)    

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An examination of an ME online community discussion

Research abstract: Online communities, created and sustained by people sharing and discussing texts on the internet, play an increasingly important role in social health movements. In this essay, we explore a collective mobilization in miniature through an in-depth analysis of … Continue reading

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New clinical guidelines for ME/CFS from Alberta, Canada

New Clinical Practice Guidelines for ME/CFS have been produced in Alberta, Canada drawing on the Canadian consensus criteria, IOM guidelines and recent research findings: Identification and symptom management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Quote from p6: In summary, … Continue reading

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Patients with CFS have significant measureable sleep problems

Research abstract: Background: Sleep disturbance affects almost 95% of people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). However, existing studies of sleep in CFS have shown mixed results and methodological issues prevent between-study comparisons. Purpose: To redress this, the present study aimed to investigate whether … Continue reading

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What I’m really thinking: the person with ME

Guardian article, by Anonymous, 16 April 2016: What I’m really thinking: the person with ME It is sometimes called chronic fatigue syndrome, but that’s a bit of a misnomer. I’m not just tired I have myalgic encephalomyelitis. If you think it … Continue reading

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A person with ME responds to MS drug Copaxone

A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/POTS Patient Responds to a Multiple Sclerosis Drug – What Does It Mean? Discussion started by Cort Johnson, Mar 30, 2016 on Health Rising blog: Before 2002 Rachel owned two businesses, had boundless energy, worked out with … Continue reading

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