Category Archives: News

Misdiagnosis of Femoral Arteriovenous Fistula as CFS

Case study abstract Percutaneous arterial catheterisation is commonly undertaken for a range of diagnostic and interventional procedures. Iatrogenic femoral arteriovenous fistulas are an uncommon complication of these procedures. Most are asymptomatic and close spontaneously, but can rarely increase in size … Continue reading

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Why people with CFS think they feel better or worse

Abstract The purpose of this mixed methods study was to identify participants’ attributions for their global impression of change ratings in a behavioral intervention for unexplained chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome.   At 3-month follow-up, participants (N = 67) … Continue reading

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A definition of recovery in ME & CFS should be based on objective measures

Abstract   INTRODUCTION: Adamowicz and colleagues recently proposed to use “a consistent definition of recovery that captures a broad-based return to health with assessments of both fatigue and function as well as the patients’ perceptions of his/her recovery status” for patients with chronic … Continue reading

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Macrophagic myofasciitis, vaccinations and CFS

Abstract Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) characterized by specific muscle lesions assessing long-term persistence of aluminium hydroxide within macrophages at the site of previous immunization has been reported with increasing frequency in the past 10 years. We describe clinical and laboratory findings … Continue reading

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Is CFS a meme (dysfunctional culturally-transmitted idea-infection)?

Response to 2004 article by Peter White: What causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a meme?, by Anthony D Collings, David Newton in BMJ 18 June 2014 In his 1976 book ‘The Selfish Gene’ (1) Richard Dawkins coined … Continue reading

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Decreased basal ganglia function and relationship to fatigue in CFS

Abstract Reduced basal ganglia function has been associated with fatigue in neurologic disorders, as well as in patients exposed to chronic immune stimulation. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have been shown to exhibit symptoms suggestive of decreased basal ganglia … Continue reading

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Reduced blood flow following reduced nitrergic nitric oxide in POTS

Abstract Cognitive deficits are characteristic of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Intact nitrergic nitric oxide (NO) is important to cerebral blood flow (CBF) regulation, to neurovascular coupling, and to cognitive efficacy. POTS patients often experience defective (NO) mediated vasodilation caused by … Continue reading

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Cerebrospinal fluid pressure may be problem in CFS

Abstract   Objective Unsuspected idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is found in a significant minority of patients attending clinics with named headache syndromes, if it is specifically sought out. Chronic fatigue syndrome is frequently associated with headache. Could the same be … Continue reading

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ME/CFS brain and tissue bank protocol

Abstract (provisional)   Background Our aim, having previously investigated through a qualitative study involving extensive discussions with experts and patients the issues involved in establishing and maintaining a disease specific brain and tissue bank for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), … Continue reading

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Why those with treatable diseases get more sympathy than ME

Martha Gill, a blogger on politics and neurosciences comments: According to reports, a third of people who think they have ME may actually be suffering from something else – a disease called postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS). It has the same symptoms … Continue reading

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