Category Archives: News

Off label use of Aripiprazole shows promise as a treatment for ME/CFS

Off label use of Aripiprazole shows promise as a treatment for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): a retrospective study of 101 patients treated with a low dose of Aripiprazole, by LD Crosby, S Kalanidhi, A Bonilla, A Subramanian, JS … Continue reading

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Lived experiences in daily life with ME (Denmark)

Lived experiences in daily life with myalgic encephalomyelitis, by Reeti KK Sandhu, Maj Sundby, Sidsel Ørneborg, Svetlana Solgaard Nielsen, Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen, Anette Enemark Larsen in British Journal of Occupational Therapy, November 2020 []   Research abstract: Introduction Myalgic encephalomyelitis … Continue reading

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ME/CFS: Where will the drugs come from?

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Where will the drugs come from?, by Peter L Toogood, Daniel J Clau, Sameer Phadke, DavidHoffman in Pharmacological Research [] 30 January 2021   Review abstract: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic debilitating … Continue reading

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Modulatory effects of cognitive exertion on regional functional connectivity of the salience network in women with ME/CFS

Modulatory effects of cognitive exertion on regional functional connectivity of the salience network in women with ME/CFS: A pilot study, by Riccardo Manca, Katija Khan, Micaela Mitolo, Matteo De Marco, Lynsey Grieveson, Rosemary Varley, Iain D Wilkinson, Annalena Venneri in Journal … Continue reading

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Numeric rating scales show prolonged post-exertional symptoms after orthostatic testing of adults with ME/CFS

Numeric rating scales show prolonged post-exertional symptoms after orthostatic testing of adults with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by C (Linda) M C van Campen, Peter C Rowe, Freek WA Verheugt, Frans C Visser in Frontiers in Medicine Vol 7, p 602894, … Continue reading

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ME/CFS: the human herpesviruses are back!

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: the human herpesviruses are back! by  Maria Eugenia Ariza in Biomolecules 2021, 11(2), 185; 29 January 2021 []  (This article belongs to the Special Issue Epstein-Barr Virus Disease Mechanisms and Stress Responses)   Review abstract: Myalgic … Continue reading

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Exercise modifies glutamate & other metabolic biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid from Gulf War Illness & ME/CFS

Exercise modifies glutamate and other metabolic biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid from Gulf War Illness and Myalgic encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by James N Baraniuk, Grant Kern, Vaishnavi Narayan, Amrita Cheema in PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244116,  January 13, 2021 []   … Continue reading

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Beyond bones: the relevance of variants of connective tissue (hypermobility) to FM, ME/CFS & controversies surrounding diagnostic classification

Beyond bones: The relevance of variants of connective tissue (hypermobility) to fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and controversies surrounding diagnostic classification: an observational study, by Jessica A Eccles, Beth Thompson, Kristy Themelis, Marisa L Amato, Robyn Stocks, Amy Pound, Anna-Marie Jones, Zdenka Cipinova, … Continue reading

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Why we need a study like DecodeME

Why we need a study like DecodeME – scientific paper published, by the ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership, 26 Jan 2021 Today, we know almost nothing for sure about what causes ME/CFS. We do know that the illness can be triggered by … Continue reading

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Risks for developing ME/CFS in college students following infectious mononucleosis

Risks for developing ME/CFS in college students following infectious mononucleosis: a prospective cohort study, Leonard A Jason, PhD, Joseph Cotler, PhD, Mohammed F Islam, PhD, Madison Sunnquist, PhD, Ben Z Katz, MD in Clinical Infectious Diseases, [] 25 Dec 2020   … Continue reading

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