Tag Archives: cognitive behavioural therapy

A qualitative study of depression in young people with CFS/ME

Research abstract: Background: Paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) has a prevalence of 0.4–2.4% and is defined as ‘generalised disabling fatigue persisting after routine tests and investigations have failed to identify an obvious underlying cause’. One-third of young people with … Continue reading

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Prof Hooper challenges value of CBT for ME

Article by Prof Malcolm Hooper, 15 October 2016: A response to Professor Fred Friedberg’s editorial about CBT Professor Fred Friedberg asks why cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is so vilified in the chronic fatigue syndrome community. He opens his Editorial by stating: … Continue reading

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Dr James le Fanu on the PACE trial and ‘experts’

The Telegraph – Doctor’s diary column , by Dr James le Fanu, 17 October:  Gove was right, we have had enough of experts Michael Gove’s remark amid the referendum campaign that ‘people have had enough of experts’ resonated widely – reflecting … Continue reading

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Prof Peter White says: If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer

Guardian opinion piece, by Peter White, 20 September 2016: ‘If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer’ Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome have been neglected too long. But our Pace trials show the right talking and … Continue reading

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Manualised protocol of integrated CBT and GET

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Medically-unexplained chronic fatigue states are prevalent, and challenging to manage. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) are effective in clinical trials. Evaluation of delivery in a standard health care setting is rare. An integrated … Continue reading

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CBT in CFS: a narrative review on efficacy and informed consent

Review abstract: Cognitive behavioural therapy is increasingly promoted as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. There is limited research on informed consent using cognitive behavioural therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome. We undertook a narrative review to explore efficacy and to … Continue reading

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US report says there’s (almost) no evidence CBT/GET work in ME/CFS

Health rising blog, by Cort Johnson, 18 August 2016: Federal Report Says There’s (Almost) No Evidence CBT/GET Work in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) This has a been good week for advocacy.  It’s shown that smart advocacy works. Twice advocates went … Continue reading

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US agency says CBT & GET ineffective for ME patients

Occupy M.E. blog post by Jennie Spotila, August 16 2016: AHRQ evidence review changes its conclusions Mary Dimmock has led the way on this issue, and is co-author of this post. In response to requests by U.S. patient organizations and advocates, the … Continue reading

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Effects of telephone-delivered cognitive behavioral stress management intervention in CFS

Research abstract: The perceived impact of chronic fatigue on daily living (i.e., fatigue interference) is particularly relevant for patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), a medically unexplained illness associated with neuroendocrine and immune abnormalities. Literature suggests that fatigue … Continue reading

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Assessment of self-management methods for severe CFS

Research abstract: Purpose: To assess the efficacy of fatigue self-management for severe chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Methods:  This randomized trial enrolled 137 patients with severe CFS. Participants were randomized to one of three conditions: fatigue self-management with web diaries and … Continue reading

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