Tag Archives: David Tuller

12 US organisations lobby CDC about PACE trial

Solve ME/CFS Initiative Calls for Review of PACE Trial  20 Nov 2015 The Solve ME/CFS Initiative is one of 12 organizations that have signed a letter asking the heads of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Agency for … Continue reading

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PACE trial researchers respond to David Tuller

David Tuller’s three-installment investigation of the PACE trial for CFS, Trial By Error, received much attention in the press. Although the PACE researchers declined David’s efforts to interview them, they subsequently requested the right to reply. Virology blog posted the response of Professors … Continue reading

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Trial by error: the troubling case of the PACE CFS study

David Tuller has written a 4 part examination of the PACE trial in Virology blog entitled: Trial by error: the troubling case of the PACE CFS study. He is academic coordinator of the concurrent masters degree program in public health and … Continue reading

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Videos of expert lectures from Stanford ME/CFS Symposium 2014

Advances in Clinical Care and Translational Research: a Continuing Medical Education Conference Presented by the Department of Medicine and Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and Stanford Hospital & Clinics.  March 19, 2014 … Continue reading

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