Author Archives: wames

A physiotherapist with CFS: a life of ‘pacing and management’

PT in motion (American Physical Therapy Association) blog post, by Eric Ries 13 September 2017: The Real Story About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has come a long way since the 1980s, when it was widely dismissed as … Continue reading

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ME/CFS Biobank gets £1.57m to measure changes in the immune system

CureME blog post, 3 October 2017: MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: $2.1m investment is UK’s ‘biggest ever investment into physical causes of ME/CFS’ The CureME team at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is delighted to announce the award of $2.1m … Continue reading

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Health care resource use by patients before & after a diagnosis of CFS/ME

Health care resource use by patients before and after a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME): A clinical practice research datalink study, by Simon Collin, Inger Bakken, Irwin Nazareth, Esther Crawley, & Peter D. White in BMC Family Practice. 18 20017 Research abstract: Background: Our … Continue reading

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ME costs UK economy over £3 billion

Action for M.E. blog post, 28 Sep 2017: ME costs UK economy over £3 billion M.E. cost the UK economy at least £3.3 billion in 2014/15, according to a research report published today. The figures account for healthcare costs, disability-related … Continue reading

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You & yours on Radio 4 discusses treatment for ME & CFS

BBC Radio 4 programme You and yours invited Dr Charles Shepherd, Dr Esther Crawley and the general public to discuss what treatment is offered for ME & CFS and whether the NICE guidelines should be updated.    You can listen … Continue reading

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OMF resources for parents of children with ME/CFS

The Open Medicine Foundation Pediatric ME/CFS web page contains information about ME for parents, doctors and educators from a US perspective, but much is helpful in the UK: The presentation and course of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is often … Continue reading

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Guidelines, not tramlines – NICE guidance is not mandatory

NICE director’s blog post, by Mark Baker, 15 Sep 2017:  Guidelines, not tramlines   Professor Mark Baker, director of the centre of guidelines at NICE Mark sets the record straight A recent headline in the Times said ‘Doctors must send obese … Continue reading

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Glial cell inhibitors: the next sleep drugs for FM and ME/CFS?

Health Rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 15 September: Glial Cell Inhibitors: The Next Sleep Drugs for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)?   Glia: The Forgotten Brain Cell Sleep disturbances and severe stress as glial activators: key targets for … Continue reading

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From “sick” to “disabled”: my own journey

Chronic Illness Inclusion Project blog post, by Catherine Hale [person with ME], 13 June 2017: From “sick” to “disabled”: my own journey Catherine Hale looks back at how half a lifetime of chronic illness slowly changed her understanding of “disability”. I’ve been … Continue reading

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Trial By Error: The NICE “Topic Expert” Reports (FOI)

Virology blog post, by David Tuller, 11 September 2017: Trial By Error: The NICE “Topic Expert” Reports Freedom of Information requests to NICE My first recent freedom of information request to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) … Continue reading

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