Category Archives: News

A metabolic ‘trap’ hypothesis for ME/CFS?

Open Medicine Foundation blog post, 14 March 2018: OMF-funded research: a metabolic ‘trap’ hypothesis for ME/CFS On this #OMFScienceWednesday we highlight a new project that OMF is funding, which proposes a new metabolic ‘trap’ hypothesis for ME/CFS. This project is … Continue reading

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Low mood, poor quality of life & high symptom impact in adolescents attending a tertiary service for CFS/ME

Research abstract: Prevalence and correlates of low mood, poor quality of life and high symptom impact in adolescents attending a tertiary service for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, by FK Neale, TY Segal, DS Hargreaves in Archives of Disease in Childhood Vol 103, Suppl … Continue reading

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Immunoadsorption to remove ß2 adrenergic receptor antibodies in CFS/ME

Research abstract: Immunoadsorption to remove ß2 adrenergic receptor antibodies in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS/ME, by Carmen Scheibenbogen, Madlen Loebel, Helma Freitag, Anne Krueger, Sandra Bauer, Michaela Antelmann, Wolfram Doehner, Nadja Scherbakov, Harald Heidecke, Petra Reinke, Hans-Dieter Volk, Patricia Grabowski in … Continue reading

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On CFS & nosological categories (historical review of CFS & relationship to other conditions)

Research abstract: On chronic fatigue syndrome and nosological categories, by Sharif K, Watad A, Bragazzi NL, Lichtbroun M, Martini M, Perricone C, Amital H, Shoenfeld Y. in Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Feb 7.  [Epub ahead of print] Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) … Continue reading

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Functional status & well-being in people with ME/CFS compared with people with MS & healthy controls

Research abstract: Functional Status and Well-Being in People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Compared with People with Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Controls, by Caroline C. Kingdon, Erinna W. Bowman, Hayley Curran, Luis Nacul, Eliana M. Lacerda in PharmacoEconomics Open 2018 pp 1-12  [Online: 13 March 2018] Background: People with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue … Continue reading

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Treating patients suffering from (ME/CFS) with sodium dichloroacetate: a pilot trial

Research abstract: Treating patients suffering from myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome ME/CFS) with sodium dichloroacetate: An open-label, proof-of-principle pilot trial, by Frank Comhaire in Medical hypotheses May 2018 Vol 114, Pp 45–48 Twenty-two consecutive patients suffering from refractory myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome … Continue reading

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Managing fatigue in postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS): The Newcastle approach

Managing fatigue in postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS): The Newcastle approach, Victoria Strassheim, Jenny Welford, Rob Ballantine, Julia L Newton in Auton Neurosci. 2018 Feb 22. pii: S1566-0702(17)30328-4 [Epub ahead of print] Highlights: Fatigue is a common symptom described by those … Continue reading

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This is brain awareness week 12-16 March 2018

There are more than 350 different conditions of the brain and spine and together they affect more than 12 million people in the UK. #BrainAwarenessWeek Over 13,000 people in Wales could have ME and over 240,000 in the UK. Find … Continue reading

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Does the microbiome & virome contribute to ME/CFS?

Review abstract: Does the microbiome and virome contribute to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome? by Fiona Newberry, Shen-Yuan Hsieh, Tom Wileman, Simon R. Carding in Clinical Science Vol 135, #5, pp 523-542 [Published online March 9, 2018] Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (ME/CFS) is a disabling … Continue reading

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Association of CFS with premature telomere attrition (& accelerated ageing)

Research abstract: Association of chronic fatigue syndrome with premature telomere attrition, by Mangalathu S. Rajeevan, Janna Murray, Lisa Oakley, Jin-Mann S. Lin, Elizabeth R. Unger in Journal of Translational Medicine Vol 16, #1, p 44 [Published: 27 February 2018] Background: … Continue reading

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