Category Archives: News

CFS, Bristol University, & controversial science

The Bristol Cable blog post, by Lorna Stephenson, 7 July 2017: Chronic fatigue syndrome, Bristol University, and controversial science, Trials on certain treatments of chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME, have pitted patients against researchers, and scientists against scientists – amid … Continue reading

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The case against Dr Speight has been dropped!

Congratulations to Dr Nigel Speight.  The General Medical Council have closed the case against him with no action taken! He says: Naturally I am delighted. Thanks you for all your generous support in the form of testimonials, it was like … Continue reading

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Differentiating MS from ME & CFS

Research abstract: Differentiating Multiple Sclerosis from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by LA Jason, D Ohanian, A Brown. M Sunnquist, S McManimen, L Klebek, P Fox and M Sorenson in Insights in Biomedicine Vol. 2 No. 2:11 2017 Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Myalgic … Continue reading

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Using personal assistants works, research concludes… but it can go wrong

Disability news service blog post, by John Pring, 6 July: Using personal assistants works, research concludes… but it can go wrong Enabling disabled people with support needs to employ personal assistants (PAs) – rather than relying on traditional care workers … Continue reading

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Asserting privilege: PACE investigators’ request that their manuscript not be peer reviewed or receive replies

Quick thoughts blog post by James C Coyne, 11 July 2017: Asserting privilege: PACE investigators’ request that their manuscript not be peer reviewed or receive replies After demanding parts of an article published in the Journal of Health Psychology be … Continue reading

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MEA research grant to Dr Keith Geraghty to examine two controversial ME/CFS treatments recommended by NICE

ME Association blog post, 13 July 2017: ME Association provide new research grant to Dr Keith Geraghty to examine two controversial ME/CFS treatments recommended by NICE ME Association trustees have approved a new research grant that will critically examine the … Continue reading

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Subtyping patients with ME & CFS by course of illness

Research Abstract: Subtyping Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) By Course of Illness, by Jamie Stoothoff, Kristen Gleason, Stephanie McManimen, Taylor Thorpe and Leonard A. Jason in Symbiosis: Journal of Biosensors, Biomarkers and Diagnostics [Published: June 26, … Continue reading

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Medial prefrontal cortex deficits correlate with unrefreshing sleep in patients with CFS

Research abstract: Medial prefrontal cortex deficits correlate with unrefreshing sleep in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, by Zack Y. Shan, Richard Kwiatek, Richard Burnet, Peter Del Fante,  Donald R. Staines, Sonya M. Marshall-Gradisnik and Leighton R. Barnden in NMR in Biomedicine [Published online: 29 JUN 2017] Unrefreshing … Continue reading

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US health agency, CDC, drops CBT/GET on website

Article excerpts: Virology blog post, by David Tuller, DrPH, 10 July 2017: Trial By Error: The CDC Drops CBT/GET Just as The Lancet has published more “evidence” for graded exercise, the CDC has moved decisively in the opposite direction. In … Continue reading

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CFS patients have no reason to accept the PACE trial results

Article abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome patients have no reason to accept the PACE trial results: Response to Keith J Petrie and John Weinman, by Susanna Agardy in Journal of Health Psychology [First Published June 27, 2017] Petrie and Weinman urge … Continue reading

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