Category Archives: News

Dysregulation of cytokine pathways in CFS & MS

Research abstract: Dysregulation of cytokine pathways in chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis by Matthew Sorenson, Jacob Furst, Herbert Mathews & Leonard A. Jason in Fatigue: Biomedicine Heath & Behavior pp1-14 [Published online 7 Jun 2017] Background: Cytokine studies in chronic … Continue reading

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Clinical similarities between ME/CFS & d-lactic acidosis: a systematic review

Review abstract: Examining clinical similarities between myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and d-lactic acidosis: a systematic review, by Amy Wallis, Michelle Ball, Sandra McKechnie, Henry Butt, Donald P. Lewis and Dorothy Bruck in Journal of Translational Medicine 2017 15:129 [Published: 7 June 2017] Background: The pursuit for clarity in diagnostic and … Continue reading

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Is “bad energy” core problem in FM & ME/CFS?

Health rising blogpost, by Cort Johnson, 31 May 2017: Study Suggests “Bad Energy” is Core Problem in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Lactate has become a big deal in both chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM).  A by-product … Continue reading

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Controversy over exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: key lessons for clinicians and academics

Article summary: Controversy over exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: key lessons for clinicians and academics, by Alex J. Mitchell in BJPsych Advances May 2017, 23 (3) 145-148 Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is syndrome of unremitting fatigue of at least … Continue reading

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Bias, misleading information & lack of respect for alternative views have distorted perceptions of ME/CFS & its treatment

Article abstract: Bias, misleading information and lack of respect for alternative views have distorted perceptions of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and its treatment, by Ellen Goudsmit, Sandra Howes in Journal of Health Psychology [First Published May 29, 2017] The PACE trial is … Continue reading

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Endogenous pain facilitation rather than inhibition differs between people with CFS, MS, and controls

Research abstract: Endogenous pain facilitation rather than inhibition differs between people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and controls: An observational study, by Simon M. Collin, Jo Nijs, Mira Meeus, Andrea Polli, Barbara Willekens, Kelly Ickmans in Pain Physician, May 2017, Volume 20, Issue … Continue reading

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Dr Byron Hyde and ‘the terrible tale of Amy Brown’

Amy Brown is the pseudonym of an English child whose story is recounted by Dr Byron Hyde, a Canadian doctor who has been actively researching and treating people with ME for decades. Dr Hyde describes the years 9 year old ‘Amy’ spent … Continue reading

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A comparison of neuroimaging abnormalities in MS, Depression & CFS (ME)

Article abstract: A Comparison of Neuroimaging Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis, Major Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis): is There a Common Cause?, by Gerwyn Morris, Michael Berk, Basant K Puri in Mol Neurobiol. pp 1-18 [Published online 17 May … Continue reading

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Incidence of ME/CFS among U.S. nurses

Research abstract: Incidence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in a large prospective cohort of U.S. nurses, by Natalia Palacios, Kathryn C. Fitzgerald, Anthony L. Komaroff, Alberto Ascherio in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior [Published online: 18 May 2017] Background: The incidence … Continue reading

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For children with ME, school education can be a grave threat

Third Force News blog post, by Lesley Scott, 19 May 2017: For children with ME, school education can be a grave threat Lesley Scott explains why the Scottish Government presumption that attending school is always best can affect the health … Continue reading

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