Category Archives: News

Epigenetic modifications & glucocorticoid sensitivity in ME/CFS

Research abstract: Background: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating idiopathic disease characterized by unexplained fatigue that fails to resolve with sufficient rest. Diagnosis is based on a list of symptoms and exclusion of other fatigue-related health conditions. Despite … Continue reading

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People with ME in South Africa share their stories

Carte Blanche blog post, 19 February 2017: Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The effects of ME/CFS are very real and can change a patient’s life in a dramatic way. Three South African women share their stories on living with this … Continue reading

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Neuro inflammatory etiopathology of ME/CFS

Article abstract: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating multi-systemic chronic illness of unknown etiology, classified as a neurological disorder by the World Health Organization (WHO). The symptomatology of the condition appears to emanate from a variety of sources … Continue reading

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The UK ME/CFS Biobank for biomedical research on ME/CFS & MS

Overview of a UK bioresource: The UK ME/CFS Biobank was launched in August 2011 following extensive consultation with professionals and patient representatives. The bioresource aims to enhance research on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), related to pathophysiology, biomarkers and therapeutic … Continue reading

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Vitamin D could boost the immune system

Recent news reports of research claiming vitamin D supplements can boost the immune system as well as the health of bones, has raised questions for how people with ME can obtain enough of this vital nutrient. Get vitamin D from: sunshine, … Continue reading

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Citric Acid Cycle is deficient in people with ME/CFS

MEAction blog post, by Adrianne Tillman, 22 Feb 2017: Stanford team announces breakthrough in ME/CFS research A research team at Stanford announced yesterday that it has made some breakthroughs in understanding the metabolic cycles that are not working properly in … Continue reading

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Dr Light’s video interview about his PEM research

Dr Podell’s blog, 9 January 2017: Powerful Proof that Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are REAL and MAINLY PHYSICAL Dr Rich Podell interviewed Dr. ALan Light, Ph. D by Skype in a three part video series. His research … Continue reading

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Australian researchers discover abnormalities in immune cell receptors in ME/CFS

Huffington Post Australia, by Luke Cooper, 22 Feb 2017: Queensland Scientists Make Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Breakthrough The condition has been linked to abnormal immune system cells. Queensland scientists have linked Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis … Continue reading

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Neural consequences of PEM in ME/CFS

Research abstract: Highlights: Acute exercise affects symptoms, cognitive performance and brain function in ME/CFS. Symptom provocation by exercise is a useful model to study post-exertion malaise. Objective neurophysiological evidence of the phenomenon of post-exertion malaise. Post exertion malaise is one … Continue reading

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No such thing as retirement for older carers

Carers Trust article, 7 Feb 2017: No such thing as retirement for older carers, says new Carers Trust report Older carers say they are now doing the hardest job they have ever done, with no option to ring in sick … Continue reading

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