Category Archives: News

Rewriting the script – improving Welsh TV & film industry opportunities for all

Diverse Cymru announcement: Rewriting the Script Join Diverse Cymru for engagement events with production companies, casting agencies, education providers, funders, diverse community organisations, and diverse talent to discuss changing working practises in film and TV to reflect the diverse talent … Continue reading

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Exercise and therapy cure for ME is ‘seriously flawed’

Times article, by Tom Whipple, 28 September 2016: Exercise and therapy cure for ME is ‘seriously flawed’ A landmark study suggesting that ME could be treated with exercise and psychological intervention is seriously flawed, scientists have claimed. If correct, it … Continue reading

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Obesity in adolescents with CFS

Research abstract: Objective: Identify the prevalence of obesity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared with healthy adolescents, and those identified with CFS in a population cohort. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of multiple imputed data. Setting: Data from UK paediatric CFS/myalgic encephalomyelitis … Continue reading

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Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for CFS

Research abstract: Background: Acceptance is understood to be an important element in coping with chronic illnesses, linked to positive outcomes such as reduced symptoms and greater quality of life. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disabling syndrome that is associated with a poor reported quality of … Continue reading

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We are the #MillionsMissing

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Cognitive processes research in CFS and cancer

Research abstract: Background: There is an abundance of research into cognitive processing biases in clinical psychology including the potential for applying cognitive bias modification techniques to assess the causal role of biases in maintaining anxiety and depression. Within the health psychology field, there is … Continue reading

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A tool for making sense of health studies

Understanding Health Research: a tool for making sense of health studies Can I trust the findings of health research? This online tool aims to guide you through a series of questions to help you review health research. The website also contains introductions to … Continue reading

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PACE trial shows patients need to scrutinise studies about their health,

BMJ blog post by Simon McGrath, 22 Sep 2016: PACE trial shows why medicine needs patients to scrutinise studies about their health Like all patients, what I want most from clinical research is treatments that work, not ones that merely … Continue reading

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Potential new way to sway the immune system

ME Global Chronicle article, by Madeline McCurry-Schmidt, Aug 2016  Found: A Potential New Way to Sway the Immune System (not specifically about ME) A new international collaboration involving scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) opens a door to influencing … Continue reading

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Manualised protocol of integrated CBT and GET

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Medically-unexplained chronic fatigue states are prevalent, and challenging to manage. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) are effective in clinical trials. Evaluation of delivery in a standard health care setting is rare. An integrated … Continue reading

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