Category Archives: News

What CFS patients want healthcare providers to learn

Research abstract: Surveys over the past two decades found that patients, advocates, and researchers want the name chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to be changed because this label minimizes the severity of the illness (Taylor, Friedberg, & Jason, 2001). The present … Continue reading

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Exploring changes to PACE trial outcome measures

Comment in Pub Med: Exploring changes to PACE trial outcome measures using anonymised data from the FINE trial, by Sam Carter, Feb 15 2016 When the results of the PACE trial were published (1, 2) it was noted that the … Continue reading

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Neurocognitive improvements in CFS following therapy

Research abstract: BACKGROUND Neurocognitive difficulties are commonly reported by patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Moderate improvements from ‘best practice’ therapy are promising, but to date reported efficacy is based entirely on subjective measures. This is problematic, given the … Continue reading

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The importance of clinical intuition when treating ME/CFS

Treatment Strategies for MECFS/FM, By Suzanne D. Vernon PhD, February 11 2016 An author discusses her newly released paper and cites the importance of clinical intuition when treating ME CFS/FM: In 2012 I organized a meeting at the Banbury Center, Cold … Continue reading

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WAMES writes in support of releasing PACE trial data

Today WAMES, joins the ME Association, Tymes Trust, 25% Group, Invest in ME and Hope for ME in calling for the release of PACE trial data so that an independent investigation can begin: To: Records and Information Compliance Manager, Queen … Continue reading

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Orosomucoid (ORM) a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of CFS

ME Research UK article, 11 Feb 2016: Orosomucoid and ME/CFS Most scientific reports either confirm what we already know or reveal mildly interesting findings that contribute to the field in a small way. Every now and then, however, a research … Continue reading

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CFS/ME diagnosis in Norway

Research abstract: BACKGROUND Chronic fatigue is a frequently occurring problem in both the primary and specialist health services. The Department of Neurology at Haukeland University Hospital has established a standard assessment for patients referred with suspected CFS/ME. This study reports … Continue reading

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Genetic variations found in ME/CFS

Research abstract: Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS, is a multifactorial and debilitating disease that has an impact on over 4 million people in the United States alone. The pathogenesis of ME/CFS remains largely unknown; however, a genetic predisposition has … Continue reading

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Is facebook helpful for people with CFS/ME?

Phd thesis abstract: This portfolio thesis comprises of three parts. The first part is a systematic literature review, in which empirical literature relating to the use of Facebook groups in health conditions is explored. It aims to provide an understanding of how individuals … Continue reading

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Does CFS have a neurological origin?

Review abstract: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is distinguished by a persistent malaise and lethargy that physical or mental exertion exacerbates for a period of several days. Sufferers can identify a clear-cut beginning to their condition. In many, it follows a … Continue reading

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