Category Archives: News

Central pathways causing fatigue in CFS

Article abstract Background The genesis of severe fatigue and disability in people following acute pathogen invasion involves the activation of Toll-like receptors followed by the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines and the activation of microglia and astrocytes. Many patients suffering from … Continue reading

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Good recovery rates for ME/CFS following Glandular fever

Sometimes ME/CFS emerges after mononucleosis, or glandular fever. Simon McGrath in his blog Phoenix Rising shares results from a long-term follow-up study from Haukeland University Hospital in Norway … “When will this end?” It’s a question that most ME/CFS patients have … Continue reading

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Link between early menopause and CFS

Research abstract Objective: This study aims to examine whether gynecologic conditions are associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Methods: This study includes a subset of 157 women from a population-based case-control study in Georgia, United States, conducted in 2004-2009. Gynecologic … Continue reading

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Which name for the illness do you prefer?

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Patients with a chronic condition need support to self-manage

Research review: Background: Receiving adequate support seems to be crucial to the success of self-management. Although different empirical studies separately examined patients’ preferences for self-management support (SMS), an overview is lacking. Objective: The aim of this qualitative review was to … Continue reading

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Norwegian self-management programme for CFS

Research abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to develop a group-based self-management programme for individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by using the participants’ experiences with the initial version of the programme, which intends to promote coping with … Continue reading

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New name & diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS recommended in US

The committee formed by the Institute of Medicine in the USA to examine diagnostic criteria in ME/CFS released its 280-page report on Tuesday 10th February. Its primary message is that the disease is serious, chronic, complex and multisystem, and that … Continue reading

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Should those with lifelong fatigue be excluded from a diagnosis of ME?

Research abstract: The case definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) stipulate that the experience of lifelong fatigue is an exclusionary criterion (Carruthers et al., 2003 ; Fukuda et al., 1994 ). This article examines … Continue reading

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Fatigue in MS and ME: similarities and differences

Cort Johnson in his blog Health rising asks if the fatigue found in MS and ME is similar or different: Simply looking at the symptoms indicated that MS is primarily a fatiguing disorder, and that MS patients may, in fact, … Continue reading

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Chronic fatigue in MS improved by idebenone

Research abstract: Objective: The evaluation of the dynamics of asthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional disorders and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to explore the possibility of using idebenon (noben) in treatment of these impairments. Material … Continue reading

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