Tag Archives: long Covid

Ampligen – AIM doses first ‘long hauler’ patient in trial of post-Covid-19 infection

Clinical Trial Arena: AIM doses first ‘long hauler’ patient in trial of post-Covid-19 infection, 7 January 2021   AIM ImmunoTech has dosed its first Covid-19 ‘long hauler’ patient in the active AMP-511 Expanded Access Program (EAP) with the Ampligen (rintatolimod) … Continue reading

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Statement on long COVID & ME/CFS by the International Alliance for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IAFME)

Statement on long COVID and ME/CFS by the International Alliance for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IAFME)   IAFME is a formal collaboration between national organizations representing patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).  SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) continues to affect millions of people globally. … Continue reading

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Post-viral fatigue: implications for long Covid

Post-viral fatigue: Implications for long Covid, by A P Smith in Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases 6(1): 17-23, 2021 [doi : 10.9734/AJRID/2021/v6i130182]   Review abstract: There has been extensive research on post-viral fatigue, and the present mini-review and … Continue reading

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For many COVID-19 survivors, another devastating syndrome may follow – ME/CFS

For many COVID-19 survivors, another devastating syndrome may follow, by Barbra Williams Cosentino, in Next Avenue, January 8, 2021   Myalgic encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is on the rise. Lisa Shanks, 48, was a healthy, energetic cardio-dance and fitness … Continue reading

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Long covid & ME/CFS: doctors must assess, investigate & diagnose patients properly

BMJ: Long covid: doctors must assess and investigate patients properly, by Dr Nina Muirhead,  9 December 2020   Dr Nina Muirhead, a dermatology surgeon in Buckinghamshire & lecturer at Cardiff Medical School responds to an article in the British Medical Journal. … Continue reading

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Role of mitochondria, oxidative stress & the response to antioxidants ME/CFS: a possible approach to SARS-CoV-2 ‘long-haulers’?

Role of mitochondria, oxidative stress and the response to antioxidants in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a possible approach to SARS-CoV-2 ‘long-haulers’?, by , Warren Tate in Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2020 Nov 21 [doi: 10.1016/j.cdtm.2020.11.002]   Review article abstract: A … Continue reading

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Podcast – Long COVID & ME/CFS

Long-term COVID & ME/CFS – a podcast   A TWiV podcast hosted by Prof Vincent Racaniello with Prof Mady Hornig, Fiona Lowenstein, Prof David Tuller and 2 patients to discuss long-term COVID & the similarities & differences with ME/CFS”. [1h … Continue reading

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Long Covid: overlap emerges with ME – including debate over treatment

Guardian article: Long Covid: overlap emerges with ME – including debate over treatment by Linda Geddes, Science correspondent, Thu 19 Nov 2020   This article features people with long Covid, and looks at the similarities in symptoms of ME and … Continue reading

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Physios for ME podcast: a case study of post viral fatigue/ long Covid/ chronic Covid 19

  Podcast: Physios for ME present a case study of Post Viral Fatigue/Long Covid/Chronic Covid 19. A conversation about key aspects of pacing, avoiding PEM and how a skilled physiotherapist can be of help. [31 mins]  

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