Tag Archives: reasonable adjustments

Ensuring the voice of the very severely affected ME/CFS patient is heard in research

Ensuring the voice of the very severely affected Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patient is heard in research-a research model, by  Helen Baxter   Research article abstract: Most of the research about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) has focused on ambulant … Continue reading

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Lived experiences in daily life with ME (Denmark)

Lived experiences in daily life with myalgic encephalomyelitis, by Reeti KK Sandhu, Maj Sundby, Sidsel Ørneborg, Svetlana Solgaard Nielsen, Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen, Anette Enemark Larsen in British Journal of Occupational Therapy, November 2020 [doi.org/10.1177/0308022620966254]   Research abstract: Introduction Myalgic encephalomyelitis … Continue reading

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Environmental accommodations for university students affected by ME/CFS

Environmental accommodations for university students affected by myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), by Lily Chu, Lynn R Fuentes, Olena M Marshall and Arthur A. Mirin in Work pp. 1-12, 2020[DOI: 10.3233/WOR-203176]   Research abstract: Background:  Today, 24% of college and … Continue reading

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ME awareness – in the workplace

Explaining ME in the workplace Raising awareness of ME is always a good idea – yes?  But is telling others about your experience of ME always a good idea? There are many creative ways to describe to friends and family … Continue reading

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1 in 10 businesses unable to support a disability or health condition

Disability Rights UK blog post, 8 Aug 2016: 1 in 10 businesses unable to support an employee with a disability or health condition Increasing the number of disabled people in employment must be a “national priority” New research has found … Continue reading

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Guidance on ME for welfare tribunals

ME is listed in the Equal Treatment Bench Book which contains guidance on Equality & Diversity issues for the judiciary, this includes Tribunal Chairs. It may be useful for people with ME to highlight this information with the members of … Continue reading

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Disability entitlements for hearings and appeals

ME is listed in the Equal Treatment Bench Book which contains guidance on Equality & Diversity issues for the judiciary, this includes Tribunal Chairs.   Unfortunately the judiciary are often unaware of the Equal Treatment Bench Book and need to have … Continue reading

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