Author Archives: wames

GMC removes restrictions from Dr Nigel Speight

Six months after WAMES medical advisor Dr Nigel Speight was told to cease all ME related activity, the GMC has lifted all restrictions. ME Association blog post, 12 October 2016: Dr Nigel Speight – some excellent news from the General … Continue reading

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The art & science of ME/CFS: a 2016 synopsis by Dr Daniel L. Peterson

Article abstract: ME/CFS, a complex multisystem disease of diverse etiology, which results in significant functional and costly impairment, is estimated to affect approximately 40,000 Swedish residents. This synopsis describes developments by governmental agencies (i.e. the CDC); emerging clinical centers in … Continue reading

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A race to produce the first drug for CFS? Dr Jarred Younger talks

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 5 October 2016: A Race To Produce the First Drug for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Jarred Younger Talks Drug companies interested in ME/CFS? A race to produce the first drug for ME/CFS? A race? … Continue reading

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NHS Continuing heathcare – deadline approaching for claiming costs

Welsh Government News post, 29 September 2016: Deadline approaching for people to claim for their care People who believe their care should have been funded by the NHS, are being encouraged by the Welsh Government to register their intent to … Continue reading

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MEGA ‘big data’ study Q&A petition update: MEGA Questions and Answers, by M.E./CFS Epidemiology and Genomics Alliance (MEGA), 5 October 2016 Many of you have asked us questions about MEGA. We have not yet applied for funding and the patient advisory groups have not … Continue reading

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Brain scan shows altered connectivity between different regions of the brain in CFS

Research abstract: Studies using arterial spin labelling (ASL) have shown that individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have decreased regional cerebral blood flow, which may be associated with changes in functional neural networks. Indeed, recent studies indicate disruptions in functional … Continue reading

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Prof Peter White says: If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer

Guardian opinion piece, by Peter White, 20 September 2016: ‘If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer’ Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome have been neglected too long. But our Pace trials show the right talking and … Continue reading

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Distinctive personality profiles of FM & CFS patients

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE The current study is an innovative exploratory investigation, aiming at identifying differences in personality profiles within Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients. METHOD In total, 344 participants (309 female, 35 male) reported suffering from … Continue reading

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Mitochondrial proteins as possible biomarkers for subgroups of CFS

Research abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by unexplained fatigue not improved by rest. An area of investigation is the likely connection of CFS with defective mitochondrial function. In a previous work, we investigated the proteomic salivary profile … Continue reading

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Rewriting the script – improving Welsh TV & film industry opportunities for all

Diverse Cymru announcement: Rewriting the Script Join Diverse Cymru for engagement events with production companies, casting agencies, education providers, funders, diverse community organisations, and diverse talent to discuss changing working practises in film and TV to reflect the diverse talent … Continue reading

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