Author Archives: wames

Research review: ME/CFS & pregnancy

ME/CFS and pregnancy   A review of the research into ME/CFS in pregnancy by a team from Newcastle University concluded that: Current evidence on ME/CFS in pregnancy is limited, and findings are inconsistent. Studies are limited by small sample size and currently, … Continue reading

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Research: Characteristics of immune cells of ME/CFS

Phenotypic characteristics of peripheral immune cells of Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome via transmission electron microscopy: A pilot study from Stanford University   Research paper conclusion: In summary, only a handful of studies have been performed on the ultrastructural characteristics … Continue reading

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Powys Health Board defends their ME/CFS services

Powys Health Board say they are committed to using NICE guidance   WAMES has been asking Health Boards in Wales what plans they have to implement the new NICE guidelines, whether they intend to consult with patients and how they … Continue reading

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Severe ME Day gallery 2022

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Severe ME Day August 8th 2022 – Brain Fog

Severe ME Day 2022   Every year we take time on August 8th to remember everyone who is suffering from, or who has ever suffered from Severe and Very Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.   This year we join with people around … Continue reading

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Sign up for regular news from WAMES

WAMES e-news   Sign up for the latest news from WAMES, straight to your inbox. Read about: the activities of WAMES what is happening in Wales of interest to people with ME & chronic illness ways to get involved and … Continue reading

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WAMES & the WMEA warn against the Lightning Process

The Lightning Process: A Position Paper from the World ME Alliance   The World ME Alliance and its members do not endorse the Lightning Process for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).   The World … Continue reading

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Research: Epstein-Barr Virus in ME/CFS

Revisiting IgG antibody reactivity to Epstein-Barr Virus in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its potential application to disease diagnosis Key research findings: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is commonly reported at the onset of ME/CFS, but could antibodies against EBV … Continue reading

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Report says neuro services are at crisis point in Wales

My Neuro survey Wales report 2022 from the WNA   Whilst we are cognisant that the pandemic has brought with it unprecedented demand on all health and social services, two years hence, the situation for people living with neurological conditions … Continue reading

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Research: The depressing truth about depression scales for people with chronic invisible illness

The depressing truth about depression scales for people with chronic invisible illness, by CL Pederson, BM Wagner   Research conclusions:  People with chronic invisible illnesses like POTS, CFS/ME, EDS, MCAS, and fibromyalgia have numerous and often severe somatic symptoms related … Continue reading

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