Category Archives: News

In memory of Dr Bruce Carruthers

Phoenix rising blog post: In memory of Dr Bruce Carruthers Sherri Todd, has informed us of the passing of Dr. Bruce Carruthers. Dr. Carruthers is one of the two doctors who did the original drafts of the Canadian Clinical Definitions … Continue reading

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WAMES challenges NICE’s reason not to update the CFS/ME guidelines

WAMES sent our response to the NICE consultation on Monday 24th July 2017. NICE asked: Do you agree with the proposal not to update the guideline? WAMES replied: We believe the NICE Guidance CG53 on CFS/ME omits guidelines on key … Continue reading

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Another ‘False Start’ in ME/CFS Clinical Trials: The GETSET Study

Another ‘False Start’ in ME/CFS Clinical Trials: The GETSET Study, by Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, MPH, OCS I am a physical therapist, and movement is my medicine. Some people might need more movement, in the form of an exercise … Continue reading

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Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods & unreliable outcomes

Article abstract: Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods and unreliable outcomes, by Keith J Geraghty in Journal of Health Psychology [First Published June 14, 2017] Geraghty in the year 2016, outlines a range of controversies surrounding publication of results from … Continue reading

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CFS prevalence is grossly overestimated using Oxford criteria compared to CDC (Fukuda) criteria in a US population study

Research abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome prevalence is grossly overestimated using Oxford criteria compared to Centers for Disease Control (Fukuda) criteria in a U.S. population study, by James N. Baraniuk in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior [Published online: 21 Jul 2017] Background: Results from … Continue reading

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Neuroendocrine disorder in CFS

Research abstract: Neuroendocrine disorder in chronic fatigue syndrome, by Slavica TOMIC, Snezana BRKIC, Dajana LENDAK, Daniela MARIC, Milica MEDIC STOJANOSKA, Aleksandra NOVAKOV MIKIC in Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (2017) 47: sag-1601-110  [Published Online: 17 Dec 2016] Background/aim: Neuroendocrine disorders are … Continue reading

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CBT & objective assessments in CFS

The Journal of Health Psychology has published a short analysis by Graham McPhee on the way that real/objective assessments show that CBT gives no boost to ME/CFS. This is a video to introduce it: Objective Evidence & CFS Article abstract: Cognitive behaviour … Continue reading

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Countess of Mar asks UK Parliament about NICE & ME/CFS

The Countess of Mar asked written questions to the UK Parliament on the topic of NICE and ME/CFS. HL637: 10 July 2017 Q.  Her Majesty’s Government who were the experts the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence consulted in their recent … Continue reading

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The evolution of a ME/CFS researcher? CBT proponent calls for more Herpesvirus research

Simmaron Research blog post, by Cort Johnson, 19 June 2017: The Evolution of a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Researcher? CBT Proponent Calls for More Herpesvirus Research At times Dr. Wyller of Oslo University has seemed more like a Norwegian version … Continue reading

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Specialist treatment of CFS/ME: a cohort study among adult patients in England

Research abstract:  Specialist treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME: A cohort study among adult patients in England, by Simon M Collin, Esther Crawley in BMC Health Services Research Vol. 17, p 488 [published July 14, 2017] Background: NHS specialist chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) services … Continue reading

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