Category Archives: News

First Minister’s Question time addresses employment barriers for long term fluctuating conditions

National Assembly for Wales Recording of proceedings, 7 March 2017: 13:55  Mark Isherwood 3. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i leihau’r rhwystrau i gyflogaeth ar gyfer pobl sydd â chyflyrau iechyd hirdymor cyfnewidiol? OAQ(5)0481(FM) 3. How is the … Continue reading

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Selection bias & disease misclassification undermine the validity of ME/CFS studies

Research abstract: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome has been a controversial diagnosis, resulting in tensions between patients and professionals providing them with care. A major constraint limiting progress has been the lack of a ‘gold standard’ for diagnosis; with a number … Continue reading

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NVCBR researchers close in on a diagnostic test for ME/CFS patients

Nevada Center for Biolomedical Research news item, by Kellen Jones, 28 February 2017: NVCBR researchers close in on a diagnostic test for ME/CFS patients Physicians lack effective tools to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of those who are impacted by … Continue reading

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Anxiety – autonomic nervous system in ME/CFS to blame?

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, Dec 10, 2016: The Anxiety Question in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: Is the Autonomic Nervous System to Blame? Anxiety type symptoms are common in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, Gulf War Ilness (GWI), … Continue reading

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The Clinical & Scientific Basis of ME/CFS is now free to download

A research classic from 1992 is now available to download for free (725 pages – a heavy tome) The Clinical and Scientific Basis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Edited by Byron Hyde, M.D. – Nightingale Research Foundation, Ottawa, … Continue reading

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Collection of writings about the PACE trial

Investigator bias and the PACE trial, by Steven Lubet in Journal of Health Psychology[Published online: 7 March 2017] Abstract: The PACE investigators reject Geraghty’s suggestion that the cognitive behavior therapy/graded exercise therapy trial could have been better left to researchers … Continue reading

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Is health anxiety aka hypochondria common in people with CFS?

Hypochondria (health anxiety) is excessive worrying about your health, to the point where it causes great distress and affects your everyday life. Some people with health anxiety have a medical condition, which they worry about excessively. Others have medically unexplained symptoms, … Continue reading

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Cytokine inhibition in CFS

Research abstract: Background: Interleukin-1 (IL-1), an important proinflammatory cytokine, is suspected to play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Objective: To evaluate the effect of subcutaneous anakinra versus placebo on fatigue severity in female patients with CFS. Design: Randomized, … Continue reading

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Standard research criteria would aid ME/CFS research

Research abstract: Background: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently developed clinical criteria for what had been known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Given the broad nature of the clinical IOM criteria, there is a need for a research definition that would … Continue reading

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Two year follow-up of sleep diaries & polysomnography in CFS

Research abstract: Background: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a prevalent and debilitating symptom complex of unknown aetiology. Up to 96.8% of people with CFS report unrefreshing sleep and many describe, in qualitative interviews, changes in sleep over the course of their illness. Purpose: … Continue reading

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