Category Archives: News

Roundup of Severe ME day activity

Tymes Trust Facebook: Remembering all the severely ill young people whom we know and have known. Phoenix rising, by Jody Smith: August 8th, 2016: Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis MEAction: Take Action on Severe ME Day 25% … Continue reading

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The UK ME/CFS Biobank paves the way for bigger & better research

MEAction blog post, by Simon McGrath, 11 August 2016: The UK ME/CFS biobank paves the way for bigger and better research Simon McGrath reports that the UK ME/CFS Biobank is open for business, with blood samples available from 300 patients, … Continue reading

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ME/CFS in Colombian workers

Research abstract: Background: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a debilitating and complex disease characterised by intense fatigue and a variety of other symptoms, which are present for at least 6 months. Studies of CFS/ME in the working population are … Continue reading

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Rehmeyer makes statisticians’ ‘jaws drop’ over PACE

MEAction blog post by Alex Anderssen, 8 August 2016: Rehmeyer makes statisticians’ ‘jaws drop’ over PACE Science writer Julie Rehmeyer presented a critique of the PACE trial to North America’s largest gathering of statisticians in Chicago earlier this week. Her talk was titled, “Bad … Continue reading

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The harms done by the biopsychosocial model of ME

Letter in response to: Chronic fatigue syndrome: is the biopsychosocial model responsible for patient dissatisfaction and harm?, by John Peters, patient, 31 July 2016 Geraghty & Esmail are right to draw attention to the harm done to the doctor-patient relationship … Continue reading

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Mild cognitive impairment found to worsen driving skills

New research is showing that even mild cognitive impairments, short of dementia, have the potential to affect driving skills. CBC news blog post, 28 July 2016: Driving and dementia: A delicate balance How to assess the driving fitness of people … Continue reading

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Reversal of Refractory Ulcerative Colitis & severe CFS symptoms

Case report abstract: BACKGROUND: Patients with multisymptom chronic conditions, such as refractory ulcerative colitis (RUC) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), present diagnostic and management challenges for clinicians, as well as the opportunity to recognize and treat emerging disease entities. In … Continue reading

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2016 – In remembrance

Yet still I must demand and demand again. Their death demands we ask for integrity and truth. But there is so little of it out there All lost in compromise or outright denial and ignorance. The dead grow, Shockingly. Loved … Continue reading

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Severe ME Remembrance Day, 8 Aug 2016

Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Understanding and Remembrance Day August 8th 2016 Why have an Understanding and Remembrance Day highlighting the plight of the severely affected? The severity of this illness often makes it impossible for people to have contact with loved … Continue reading

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Effects of telephone-delivered cognitive behavioral stress management intervention in CFS

Research abstract: The perceived impact of chronic fatigue on daily living (i.e., fatigue interference) is particularly relevant for patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), a medically unexplained illness associated with neuroendocrine and immune abnormalities. Literature suggests that fatigue … Continue reading

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