Category Archives: News

Do the answers to ME/CFS lie within our gut?

Institute of Food Research Blog post, by Ben Halford, 8 July: Do the answers to ME/CFS lie within our gut? Researchers on the Norwich Research Park have published a review of evidence for a role of the gut microbiota and … Continue reading

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Gut Bacteria Are Different in People With CFS

Well blog post:, by Nicholas Bakalar, 7 July 2016: Gut Bacteria Are Different in People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A new study has identified a bacterial blueprint for chronic fatigue syndrome, offering further evidence that it is a physical disease … Continue reading

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Mast cell dysfunction in ME/CFS

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Mast cells (MCs) mediate inflammation through neuropeptides and cytokines, along with histamine and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is an illness characterized by an unexplained disabling fatigue with multiple physiological impairments as well as … Continue reading

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Dr David Systrom’s exercise intolerance research

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson: The Exercise intolerance in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and POTS Explained? Dr. Systrom’s huge study on people with unexplained exercise intolerance suggests that the current explanation (deconditioning, lack of effort) couldn’t be more wrong. In … Continue reading

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MAGENTA: GET for teenagers research trial protocol

Research protocol abstract: Introduction: Paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a relatively common and disabling condition, yet there is a limited evidence base for treatment. There is good evidence that graded exercise therapy is moderately effective in … Continue reading

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How mestinon helped one ME/CFS patient exercise

Health Rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 17 June 2016: A mestinon miracle: vagus nerve stimulating drug helps long time ME/CFS patient exercise. She’d had chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) for twenty-eight years and has left no stone unturned in her … Continue reading

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Could new form of magnesium help brain fog in ME-CFS?

A new form of magnesium improves cognitive powers in old folks, will it also help the brain fog of FM and ME-CFS? asks Dr Richard Podell. Might it also improve Fibromyalgia pain? Cognitive function tends to declines as we age. For … Continue reading

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Video: Prof Warren Tate, researcher & parent of child with ME

Video: Life with ME/CFS: Professor Warren Tate Talks About ME/CFS Professor Tate has a daughter who suffers from ME/CFS. As an award winning biomedical researcher, and close family member of a sufferer, Warren provides an invaluable perspective on the illness. … Continue reading

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Prof Garth Nicolson’s research: ME & restoring mitochondrial functioning

Prof. Garth Nicolson introduces his research: We have been involved in research on the role of mitochondrial function in ME/CFS for some time and have found that restoring inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) trans-membrane potential is essential. When mitochondrial membrane lipids are damaged, the IMM becomes … Continue reading

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Gut bacteria spotted eating brain chemicals for the first time

New Scientist article, by Andy Coghlan, 1 July 2016: Gut bacteria spotted eating brain chemicals for the first time: Bacteria have been discovered in our guts that depend on one of our brain chemicals for survival. These bacteria consume GABA, a … Continue reading

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