Category Archives: News

Sleep quality links found with intestinal microbiota imblance in CFS

Research abstract: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a multisystem illness, which may be associated with imbalances in gut microbiota. This study builds on recent evidence that sleep may be influenced by gut microbiota, by assessing whether changes to microbiota in … Continue reading

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More PACE trial coverage

Following the publication of David Tuller’s damning critique of the PACE trial (Oct 21-23)and then further conclusions from the PACE trial team (Oct 27) the media debate has raged on. There has been much criticism of how the media has overstated … Continue reading

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Differences found in CFS/ME children & adults

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences between young children, adolescents and adults with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). STUDY DESIGN: Comparison of clinical cohorts from 8 paediatric and 27 adult CFS/ME services in the UK and a paediatric randomised controlled … Continue reading

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A blood test can distinguish severity CFS/ME subgroups for research

Research abstract: Immunological dysregulation is present in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), with recent studies also highlighting the importance of examining symptom severity. This research addressed this relationship between CFS/ME severity subgroups, assessing serum immunoglobulins and serum cytokines in severe … Continue reading

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Dr Suzanne Vernon video lecture on sleep in ME/CFS

Sleep and ME/CFS – Suzanne Vernon, PhD at the Bateman Horne Center [uploaded on Oct 29, 2015] “What hath night to do with sleep when you have ME/CFS” Suzanne Vernon, PhD A Bateman Horne Education Meeting – October 7, 2015 … Continue reading

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The challenge of treating depression & CFS/ME in children

Research abstract PROBLEM: Up to one in three young people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) also has depressive symptoms. It is not known how best to treat young people with this comorbidity. METHOD: This case report seeks to describe and … Continue reading

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PACE trial researchers respond to David Tuller

David Tuller’s three-installment investigation of the PACE trial for CFS, Trial By Error, received much attention in the press. Although the PACE researchers declined David’s efforts to interview them, they subsequently requested the right to reply. Virology blog posted the response of Professors … Continue reading

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Evette’s life with ME – a living torture

Severely affected Evette describes having ME as a living torture in ITV news on 30 October 2015.  Reporter Rob Osborne interviews Christalla Davies from support group MESiG and a local doctor about the seriousness of ME. Youtube video [2 mins 48 secs]

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5-HTT genotype associated with CFS in children

Research abstract: Earlier studies have shown that genetic variability in the SLC6A4 gene encoding the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) may be important for the re-uptake of serotonin (5-HT) in the central nervous system. In the present study we investigated how the … Continue reading

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New US CFS research initiative announced

NIH announces new effort to tackle chronic fatigue syndrome in the Washington Post, by Lenny Bernstein, October 29 The director of the National Institutes of Health announced a new initiative Thursday to find a cause and treatment for chronic fatigue … Continue reading

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