Author Archives: wames

#TimeForUnrestWales – Join the campaign!

#TimeForUnrestWales a campaign for health equality and the recognition of the neurological condition of ME Much work is needed to put ME & CFS on an equal basis with other neurological conditions! WAMES is asking the Cabinet Secretary for Health: … Continue reading

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The Autoimmune Virus? Groundbreaking EBV finding could help explain ME/CFS

Simmaron Research blog post, by Cort Johnson, 30 April 2018: The Autoimmune Virus? Groundbreaking EBV Finding Could Help Explain ME/CFS Viral Mystery  “I’ve been a co-author in almost 500 papers. This one is more important than all of the rest … Continue reading

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#TimeForUnrestWales – the struggle to get an accurate diagnosis

#TimeForUnrestWales  a campaign for recognition of ME and health equality There is a Health and Social Care crisis for people with ME in Wales, starting with the struggle patients have to find an accurate diagnosis from doctors who understand ME. … Continue reading

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#TimeForUnrestWales – May 12th International ME Awareness Day 2018

It is #TimeForUnrestWales Over the last few years a number of global campaigns have been launched to raise awareness of ME. Here in Wales they have struck a chord and we have been adding our voice to those around the … Continue reading

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Toxic brains, frozen spines & the Perrin Point: Ray Perrin, ME/CFS & FM

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 25 March 2018: Toxic brains, frozen spines and the Perrin Point: Ray Perrin, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia This is the second of three blogs examining the possibility that upper body/head issues play a role in … Continue reading

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Integration of DNA methylation & health scores identifies subtypes in ME/CFS

Research abstract: Integration of DNA methylation & health scores identifies subtypes in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, by Wilfred C de Vega, Lauren Erdman, Suzanne D Vernon, Anna Goldenberg & Patrick O McGowan in Epigenomics. 2018 Apr 25. doi: 10.2217/epi-2017-0150. [Epub … Continue reading

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CFS – it’s worse than Multiple Sclerosis

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 16 April 2018: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – It’s Worse than Multiple Sclerosis – and Fibromyalgia is No Walk in the Park Either Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a dreaded disease. About ten years into … Continue reading

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Bedbound Cardiff woman’s heartbreak after illness

Mirror online news post, by Mark Smith & Jamie Bullen, 26 April 2018: Bedbound woman’s heartbreak after illness ‘ruins’ relationship with daughter ‘who only knows her as sick mum’ Carol Davis said her ME has “destroyed my life” after leaving … Continue reading

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‘It’s like being a slave to your own body in a way’: a qualitative study of adolescents with CFS/ME

Research abstract: ‘It’s like being a slave to your own body in a way’: a qualitative study of adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome, by Berit Widerøe Njølstad, Anne Marit Mengshoel & Unni Sveen in Scand J Occup Ther. 2018 Apr 1:1-10. … Continue reading

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Pain, genes, drugs & you

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 20 April 2018: Pain, Genes, Drugs and You: How Your Genetic Makeup May Be Keeping You in Pain From Dr. Trescott’s lecture given to the Physician Partners of America: “Your Genes, Your Pain … Continue reading

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