Author Archives: wames

WAMES challenges NICE’s reason not to update the CFS/ME guidelines

WAMES sent our response to the NICE consultation on Monday 24th July 2017. NICE asked: Do you agree with the proposal not to update the guideline? WAMES replied: We believe the NICE Guidance CG53 on CFS/ME omits guidelines on key … Continue reading

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Another ‘False Start’ in ME/CFS Clinical Trials: The GETSET Study

Another ‘False Start’ in ME/CFS Clinical Trials: The GETSET Study, by Todd E. Davenport, PT, DPT, MPH, OCS I am a physical therapist, and movement is my medicine. Some people might need more movement, in the form of an exercise … Continue reading

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Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods & unreliable outcomes

Article abstract: Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods and unreliable outcomes, by Keith J Geraghty in Journal of Health Psychology [First Published June 14, 2017] Geraghty in the year 2016, outlines a range of controversies surrounding publication of results from … Continue reading

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CFS prevalence is grossly overestimated using Oxford criteria compared to CDC (Fukuda) criteria in a US population study

Research abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome prevalence is grossly overestimated using Oxford criteria compared to Centers for Disease Control (Fukuda) criteria in a U.S. population study, by James N. Baraniuk in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior [Published online: 21 Jul 2017] Background: Results from … Continue reading

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Neuroendocrine disorder in CFS

Research abstract: Neuroendocrine disorder in chronic fatigue syndrome, by Slavica TOMIC, Snezana BRKIC, Dajana LENDAK, Daniela MARIC, Milica MEDIC STOJANOSKA, Aleksandra NOVAKOV MIKIC in Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (2017) 47: sag-1601-110  [Published Online: 17 Dec 2016] Background/aim: Neuroendocrine disorders are … Continue reading

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CBT & objective assessments in CFS

The Journal of Health Psychology has published a short analysis by Graham McPhee on the way that real/objective assessments show that CBT gives no boost to ME/CFS. This is a video to introduce it: Objective Evidence & CFS Article abstract: Cognitive behaviour … Continue reading

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Countess of Mar asks UK Parliament about NICE & ME/CFS

The Countess of Mar asked written questions to the UK Parliament on the topic of NICE and ME/CFS. HL637: 10 July 2017 Q.  Her Majesty’s Government who were the experts the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence consulted in their recent … Continue reading

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The evolution of a ME/CFS researcher? CBT proponent calls for more Herpesvirus research

Simmaron Research blog post, by Cort Johnson, 19 June 2017: The Evolution of a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Researcher? CBT Proponent Calls for More Herpesvirus Research At times Dr. Wyller of Oslo University has seemed more like a Norwegian version … Continue reading

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Specialist treatment of CFS/ME: a cohort study among adult patients in England

Research abstract:  Specialist treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME: A cohort study among adult patients in England, by Simon M Collin, Esther Crawley in BMC Health Services Research Vol. 17, p 488 [published July 14, 2017] Background: NHS specialist chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) services … Continue reading

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CFS, Bristol University, & controversial science

The Bristol Cable blog post, by Lorna Stephenson, 7 July 2017: Chronic fatigue syndrome, Bristol University, and controversial science, Trials on certain treatments of chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME, have pitted patients against researchers, and scientists against scientists – amid … Continue reading

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