Category Archives: News

Factors determining fatigue in CFS

Research abstract: OBJECTIVES: To explore the interrelationship of different dimensions (fatigue, neuroticism, sleep quality, global mental and physical health) in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). METHODS Patients meeting the Fukuda criteria of CFS filled out two independent fatigue scales … Continue reading

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10 things people with ME want you to know

Huffington Post UK article, by  Natasha Hinde, 12 May 2016: ME awareness week: 10 important things people with ME want you to know It’s estimated that around 250,000 people in Britain are affected by ME, yet many people are still … Continue reading

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Case study of immune disturbance following biotoxin exposures

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Patients with multisymptom chronic conditions, such as refractory ulcerative colitis (RUC) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), present diagnostic and management challenges for clinicians, as well as the opportunity to recognize and treat emerging disease entities. In the … Continue reading

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5 things people with ME need doctors to know

Daily life article by Naomi Chainey, 12 May 2016: 5 things people with chronic fatigue syndrome need doctors to understand No one likes having to visit the doctor, but for people with ME/CFS, the experience can be downright traumatic. Today is … Continue reading

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ME Awareness Q&A 10

Q. What is ME? A. ME is so debilitating that most people need help with everyday personal care at some time during their illness. Around 25% are so severely affected they need help daily from carers or care workers. ME … Continue reading

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ME Awareness Q&A 9

ME Awareness day 12 May Q. What is ME? A. ME is much misunderstood and maligned, even by some in the medical profession. Many people with ME are still not believed and given the support and care they need. There is no … Continue reading

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ME Awareness Q&A 8

Q. What is ME? A. ME is a severely disabling condition for both children and adults. It  potentially threatens physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children and young people, and can disrupt education and social and family life, at a particularly … Continue reading

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Dr Robert Naviaux – the mitochondria man

Health rising blog article by Cort Johnson, 21 April: An Eye on “The Mitochondria Man” : Robert Naviaux and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)  This is the start of an “Eye On” series focusing on researchers new to the chronic fatigue … Continue reading

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ME Awareness Q&A 7

Q. What is ME? A. ME is a neurological condition with a wide range of possible symptoms similar to those seen in MS (multiple sclerosis), SLE (systemic lupus erythematous), Lyme disease, narcolepsy, MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities), Gulf War syndrome, and  Glandular fever (chronic … Continue reading

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ME Awareness Q&A 6

Q. What is ME? A. ME is a fluctuating condition and many people cannot tell how they will feel from day to day or even hour to hour. If you see a person with ME out and about today looking … Continue reading

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