Category Archives: News

Is there a way forward for CFS/ME?

US Overview article in Medical News Today: Is there a way forward for CFS/ME?, by Yvette Brazier, 13 November 2015 In 1988, a group of scientists reviewed a set of mysterious symptoms appearing in previously healthy young adults who succumbed to … Continue reading

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PLOS One to investigate PACE trial’s refusal to share data

Response from PLOS One editors to requests for more information about the PACE trial: Several readers have raised concerns regarding the analyses reported in this article. We are also aware that there have been requests for the data from this … Continue reading

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Managing medically unexplained symptoms

Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are the presenting symptoms in a significant number of medical consultations in the UK. In many cases, the outcome is unsatisfactory for both the doctor and the patient. This may be partly due to the ongoing … Continue reading

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Co-enzyme Q10 does not help fatigue in post-polio patients

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine if coenzyme Q10 alleviates fatigue in the late-onset sequelae of poliomyelitis. DESIGN: Parallel-group, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. BACKGROUND SETTING: Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to boost muscle energy metabolism in post-polio subjects but it does not … Continue reading

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Prof Coyne’s PACE trial FOI request refused as considered ‘vexatious’

Prof James Coyne has received a reply from the authors of the PACE trial refusing access to data: 11 December 2015 Dear Professor Coyne, Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) Further to your recent … Continue reading

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B-cell function in patients with ME/CFS

Research summary: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a  heterogeneous condition of unknown etiology characterized by multiple symptoms including fatigue, post-exertional malaise and cognitive impairment, lasting for at least 6 months. Recently, two clinical trials of B-cell depletion therapy with rituximab (anti-CD20) reported convincing … Continue reading

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DOPE: Delayed Onset Post Exertional fatigue

Dr John L Whiting explains why he thinks the term DOPE is better than PEM or PENE: One of the biggest nuisances that ME/CFS sufferers have to contend with is the post exertional fatigue component. This issue was an aspect … Continue reading

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IBS subtypes

Research abstract: Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is classified into subtypes according to bowel habit. Objective: To investigate whether there are differences in clinical features, comorbidities, anxiety, depression and body mass index (BMI) among IBS subtypes. Methods: The study group included … Continue reading

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Interview with Dr Michael Van Elzakker about CFS & vagus nerve infection

Harvard neuroscientist Dr Michael Van Elzakker: Chronic fatigue vagus nerve link: The low histamine chef interview with Yasmina Ykelenstam, 8 Dec 2015: In today’s interview Harvard and Tufts neuroscientist Dr Michael Van ElZakker shares his fascinating new paper Chronic Fatigue from Vagus … Continue reading

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Researchers investigate the ‘pathways of pain’

Researchers investigate the ‘pathways of pain’ in NHS Choices, Monday December 7 2015 While rare, there are some people who are unable to feel pain “Breakthrough could lead to ‘super painkillers’,” the Mail Online reports. Researchers have investigated a sodium … Continue reading

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