Category Archives: News

Autonomic nervous system dysregulation in IBS

Research abstract: Background: Autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation may be altered in functional diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but published data are not clear to date. The aim of the study was to analyze ANS function in IBS subjects classified by Rome … Continue reading

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Role of insomnia in the treatment of chronic fatigue

Research highlights: • We studied if insomnia was related to outcomes in the treatment of chronic fatigue. • A decrease in insomnia severity reduces fatigue in chronic fatigue patients. • A decrease in insomnia severity improves the cortisol recovery after … Continue reading

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Responses to ‘Fear of exercise’ report in BMJ

The BMJ reports on the latest study from the PACE trial published on 13 January in the Lancet Psychiatry, with an article by Ingrid Torjesen. A number of letters in response challenging the research conclusions have been published online including those by: Prof … Continue reading

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Neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological features of CFS

Review article abstract: The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive and updated review of the key neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological complaints associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological difficulties are common in CFS and are linked primarily … Continue reading

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CFS and insomnia: similarities and differences

Research highlights: Evidence for similarly lower central ultra slow (US) delta power (0.3-0.79 Hz) proportions during slow wave sleep (SWS) in both primary insomnia and chronic fatigue syndrome in comparison to controls. Lower US power proportions relate mainly to perceived … Continue reading

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Conditions that co-exist with long term CFS

Research abstract Background: Epidemiologic data that inform our understanding of the type, frequency, and burden of co-morbidities with chronic fatigue syndrome is limited. Purpose: To elucidate co-morbid and consequent conditions, using data from a clinical epidemiology study of long-term CFS … Continue reading

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Countess of Mar tells House of Lords that people with ME/CFS are treated “abominably” by caring professions

The Countess of Mar, (chair of the Forward ME Group) contributed to a short debate on NHS: Medical Competence and Skill in the House of Lords 7 January 2015. My Lords, I, too, am grateful to the noble Lord, Lord Parekh, for introducing this … Continue reading

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In ME/CFS fear of exercise is a reasonable, knowledgeable, and learned response to a noxious stimulus

Prof Mark VanNess responds to the study published in the Lancet claiming that fear of exercise hinders recovery in CFS, in the Just ME blog: I was saddened to see the press releases regarding the ME/CFS studies from Kings College … Continue reading

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CFS prevalence and effect on job performance in nurses

Research abstract Background and Objectives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a severe, debilitating disorder.  Permanent chronic fatigue that affects the daily routine activities at least for six months and 4 of the 8 patients reported symptoms associated with this disorder (problems of memory / … Continue reading

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