Tag Archives: education

Research: Experiences…on educational adaptations for students with CFS/ME (Norway)

Experiences among school personnel and school nurses on educational adaptations for students with CFS/ME: A qualitative interview study, by Wenche Ann Similä,  Torstein Baade Rø and  Torunn Hatlen Nøst in Front. Pediatr., 11 November 2021 [doi.org/10.3389/fped.2021.756963]   Research abstract: Introduction: … Continue reading

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Inclusive education for students with chronic illness – technological challenges & opportunities

Inclusive education for students with chronic illness – technological challenges and opportunities, by Anna Wood. Chapter in book:  Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education pp135-148 [June 14 2019] Chapter abstract: Although the general issues related … Continue reading

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Meeting the educational needs of young ME/CFS patients: role of the treating physician

Meeting the educational needs of young, ME/CFS patients: role of the treating physician, by Faith R. Newton in Front. Pediatr., 02 April 2019 https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2019.00104   Article introduction: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling, chronic disease characterized by the … Continue reading

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MEA offers free leaflets on ME, employment & education

ME Association blog post: ME Awareness Week Focus on Employment and Education – Free leaflets for you to download! Topics covered: Employment Issues and M.E. University and M.E. M.E. Children and Young People Examinations and M.E. Factsheet – What you … Continue reading

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Measuring school functioning in students with CFS

Review abstract: Measuring school functioning in students with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a systematic review, by Michelle Tollit, Jennifer Politis, Sarah Knight in J Sch Health. 2018 Jan; 88(1):74-89. [published online 17 Dec 2017] BACKGROUND: It is often surmised that school functioning … Continue reading

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DWP Minister says Universal Credit will encourage disabled people into education – but how?

Disability Rights UK blog post, 23 Aug 2017: Minister says Universal Credit designed to encourage disabled people to take up education – but doesn’t explain how Regulations barring most disabled students from getting Universal Credit have been defended by the Government … Continue reading

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For children with ME, school education can be a grave threat

Third Force News blog post, by Lesley Scott, 19 May 2017: For children with ME, school education can be a grave threat Lesley Scott explains why the Scottish Government presumption that attending school is always best can affect the health … Continue reading

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30% school absence due to ME in Norway

Phoenix rising forum post, 6 Feb 2017: Norwegian prime minister concerned about young ME-patients. Norwegian media have reported several places today the prime minister’s concern for young ME patients. Last year she asked Ministry of Health and Care Services to … Continue reading

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New plan for children with additional learning needs in Wales

BBC news article, 12 December 2016: New law plan for children with learning needs in Wales Alun Davies says everyone in Wales should be able to access education that meets their needs The way children with additional learning needs are … Continue reading

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My final year at Oxford, when I felt punished for having ME

Guardian article by Nathalie Wright & Alice Woolley, 18 October 2016: My final year at Oxford, when I felt punished for having ME For centuries Oxford has ‘rusticated’ students – expelled them to their family home in the country – … Continue reading

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