Tag Archives: GET

Cochrane review of exercise therapy update

Review abstract: Background: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterised by persistent, medically unexplained fatigue, as well as symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, headaches and impaired concentration and short-term memory. CFS presents as a common, debilitating and serious health problem. Treatment may include … Continue reading

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Dr Goudsmit queries use of exercise therapy for ME

Article conclusion: In my view, the PACE trial is not controversial because of lay ‘misunderstandings’ or the  rejection that stress may play a role, but because it is a poorly designed study with missing data, based on a narrow view … Continue reading

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MAGENTA trial – PACE for children

Dr Esther Crawley’s study of activity management and Graded Exercise Therapy in children started in September 2015 and is due to end in August 2016 Tymes Trust comments when calling for an investigation into the PACE trial data: “We are frequently … Continue reading

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PACE: CBT and GET are not rehabilitative therapies

Lancet psychiatry correspondence by Frank Twisk, 18 January 2016: PACE: CBT and GET are not rehabilitative therapies In a recent Article Michael Sharpe and colleagues [1] report on findings of a follow-up study of the PACE trial of proposed rehabilitative interventions … Continue reading

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PACE trial didn’t prove graded exercise safe for CFS say Tuller & Rehmeyer

Journalists Julie Rehmeyer and Dr. David Tuller have published an analysis concluding that the PACE trial failed to demonstrate the safety of graded exercise therapy, despite its authors claiming that it was a safe treatment for patients with chronic fatigue … Continue reading

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The significance to ME/CFS of the change to the UK Law on consent

S Campbell writes in Phoenix rising forum, Dec 23 2015: In March this year there was a landmark change to the UK law on consent which has significant implications for patients with ME/CFS. For full details of this change in … Continue reading

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The chokehold behavioural treatments have on ME/CFS

American health blogger Cort Johnson looks at which ME/CFS treatment studies have been published since the start of 2013. He highlights that there has been a lack of drug studies and that most of the these studies were small. Extracts: “With … Continue reading

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To future GPs – psychosomatic should not be the default suspicion re ME/CFS

Time to swot up on chronic fatigue – Future general practitioners need to be made aware that “psychosomatic” should not be the default suspicion, by Michael Brooks in the New Statesman, Nov 12 2015 Around 250,000 people in the UK suffer from … Continue reading

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Norwegian professors question GET & CBT as interventions for ME

Article extracts: The assessment and treatment of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis in Norway is, according to a SINTEF study from 2011 highly inadequate: There is a lack of expertise within the social, welfare and healthcare … Continue reading

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ME Action launches petition to retract the PACE trial

Petition: Misleading PACE claims should be retracted TO: THE LANCET, PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, AND THE AUTHORS OF THE PACE TRIAL Given the weak and flawed methodologies of the PACE trial, which claims that CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and GET (graded exercise) led … Continue reading

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