Author Archives: wames

Elevations of ventricular lactate levels occur in both CFS & FM

Research abstract: Elevations of Ventricular Lactate Levels Occur in Both Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, by Benjamin H. Natelson, Diana Vu, Jeremy D. Coplan, Xiangling Mao, Michelle Blate, Guoxin Kang, Eli Soto, Tolga Kapusuz & Dikoma C. Shungu in Fatigue 2017; … Continue reading

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Longitudinal associations of lymphocyte subsets with clinical outcomes in CFS

Research abstract: Longitudinal associations of lymphocyte subsets with clinical outcomes in chronic fatigue syndrome, by  Melissa L. Mehalick, Karen B. Schmaling , Daniel E. Sabath, & Dedra S. Buchwald in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 2018 pp 1-12  [Published online: 12 Jan 2018] Background: … Continue reading

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Genome-epigenome interactions associated with ME/CFS

Research abstract: Genome-Epigenome Interactions Associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by Santiago Herrera, Wilfred C de Vega, David Ashbrook, Suzanne D Vernon, Patrick O McGowan in Biorxiv [preprint 22 Dec 2017] Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is an example of … Continue reading

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Vision in ME – restricted spatial windows of visibility

Research abstract: Restricted spatial windows of visibility in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), by Nadia S Ahmed, Irene Gottlob, Frank A Proudlock and Claire V Hutchinson in Vision 2018, 2(1), 2; doi:10.3390/vision2010002 [Published: 17 January 2018] Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a devastating disorder marked by debilitating fatigue. … Continue reading

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UK ME CFS Biobank Q&A

Science for ME blogpost, 14 Dec 2017: UK ME/CFS Biobank Ask Me Anything thread UK ME/CFS Biobank team: Project Lead & Clinical Lecturer, Dr Eliana Lacerda, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Luis Nacul, Research Nurse & Biobank Coordinator Caroline Kingdon Project Manager … Continue reading

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Cortical connectivity in CFS and neurocognitive impairment

Research abstract: Small-world network analysis of cortical connectivity in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using quantitative EEG, by Mark A Zinn, Marcie L Zinn, Leonard A Jason in NeuroRegulation, 4(3–4), 125–137, Dec 2017 The aim of this study was to explore the … Continue reading

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Elevated brain natriuretic peptide levels in CFS associate with cardiac dysfunction

Research abstract: Elevated brain natriuretic peptide levels in chronic fatigue syndrome associate with cardiac dysfunction: a case control study Cara Tomas, Andreas Finkelmeyer, Tim Hodgson, Laura MacLachlan, Guy A MacGowan, Andrew M Blamire, Julia L Newton in BMJ Openheart 4:2 … Continue reading

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Autonomic Nervous System functioning related to nocturnal sleep in patients with CFS

Research abstract: Autonomic nervous system functioning related to nocturnal sleep in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome compared to tired controls, by Source: M Orjatsalo, A Alakuijala, M Partinen in J Clin Sleep Med. 2017 Dec 13. pii: jc-17-00330. [Epub ahead of print] … Continue reading

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Measuring school functioning in students with CFS

Review abstract: Measuring school functioning in students with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a systematic review, by Michelle Tollit, Jennifer Politis, Sarah Knight in J Sch Health. 2018 Jan; 88(1):74-89. [published online 17 Dec 2017] BACKGROUND: It is often surmised that school functioning … Continue reading

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Cytokine signatures in CFS patients: a Case Control Study & the effect of anakinra treatment

Research abstract: Cytokine signatures in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: a Case Control Study and the effect of anakinra treatment, by Megan E. Roerink, Hans Knoop, Luuk J. A. C. Hawinkels, Leo A. B. Joosten and Jos W. M. van der Meer in Journal of Translational Medicine 2017 15:267 Background: Cytokine disturbances have been suggested to be associated with the Chronic … Continue reading

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