Author Archives: wames

ME/CFS in the era of the human microbiome

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the era of the human microbiome: persistent pathogens drive chronic symptoms by interfering with host metabolism, gene expression and immunity, by Amy D Proal and Trevor Marshall in Front. Pediatr. 4 Dec 2018 The illness ME/CFS has … Continue reading

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The UK ME/CFS Biobank

The UK ME/CFS Biobank: A disease-specific biobank for advancing clinical research into myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome, by Eliana M. Lacerda, Kathleen Mudie, Caroline C. Kingdon, Jack D. Butterworth, Shennae O’Boyle, Luis Nacul in Frontiers in Neurology, 14 Nov 2018 [preprint Abstract: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic … Continue reading

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Brain abnormalities in ME/CFS

Brain abnormalities in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: Evaluation by diffusional kurtosis imaging and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging, by Kimura Y, Sato N, Ota M, Shigemoto Y, Morimoto E, Enokizono M, Matsuda H, Shin I, Amano K, Ono H, Sato W, Yamamura T in Journal … Continue reading

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miRNA profiling of circulating EVs in ME/CFS

miRNA profiling of circulating EVs in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) by Eloy Almenar-Pérez, Lubov Nathanson, Teresa Sánchez-Fito, Leonor Sarria, Germán Cerdá-Olmedo, Elisa Oltra  in Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, suppl. Supplement 1; Abingdon Vol. 7,  (2018): 139.   Research abstract: Background: … Continue reading

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Online pacing tutorial begins January 2019

Online Pacing Tutorial US based ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Self-help program hold quarterly online tutorials to teach the basics of pacing. Open to to all English language speakers 7 week course Offered quarterly and conducted via email list server, the class is … Continue reading

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Dr Anne McIntyre RIP

A long time advocate and sufferer of ME, Dr Anne McIntyre, died on Saturday 24th November 2018.  She had been living with rheumatoid arthritis for many years and developed pulmonary fibrosis as a complication of that. Her book M.E. Chronic … Continue reading

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Low sensitivity of abbreviated tilt table testing for diagnosing postural tachycardia syndrome in adults with ME/CFS

Low sensitivity of abbreviated tilt table testing for diagnosing postural tachycardia syndrome in adults with ME/CFS, by C (Linda) M van Campen, Peter C Rowe and Frans C Visser in Front. Pediatr., 16 November 2018 Introduction: Orthostatic intolerance is common among … Continue reading

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Blood volume status in CFS/ME correlates with the presence or absence of orthostatic symptoms

Blood volume status in CFS/ME correlates with the presence or absence of orthostatic symptoms, by C (Linda) Van Campen,  Peter C Rowe and Frans C Visser in Front. Pediatr.  Oct 2018 Introduction: Conflicting data have been published on the reduction of circulating blood … Continue reading

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A poem about Me and M.E – One stupid dot

‘What’s up TV’ presents a 2 minute poem by Stacy Hart: Me and M.E, how ‘One Stupid Dot’ makes all the difference Stacy’s blog: Mama Chill…Stacy Hart…Runnin On Empty

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The development of the DePaul symptom questionnaire: original, expanded, brief & pediatric versions

The development of the DePaul symptom questionnaire: Original, expanded, brief and pediatric versions, by Leonard A Jason, Madison Sunnquist in Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6 Nov 2018 One of the key requirements of a reliable case definition is the use of standardized procedures for assessing … Continue reading

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