Category Archives: News

Impact of Rantes from jawbone on CFS

Impact of Rantes from jawbone on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by  Johann Lechner, Katrin Huesker, Volker von Baehr in J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017 Apr-Jun;31(2):321-327   This study elucidates the question of whether chronic inflammation in the jawbone contributes to … Continue reading

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Unperturbed Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Phenotype & Function in ME/CFS Patients

Research abstract: Unperturbed Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Phenotype and Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients, by Jakob Theorell, Indre Bileviciute-Ljungar, Bianca Tesi, Heinrich Schlums, Mette Sophie Johnsgaard, Babak Asadi-Azarbaijani, Elin Bolle Strand and Yenan T. Bryceson in Front. Immunol., 26 June … Continue reading

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Development of a new activity measure: Activity perception in healthy population and in people with chronic illness

Research abstract: Development of a new activity measure: Activity perception in healthy population and in people with chronic illness, by M Martin & I Alexeeva in European Psychiatry Vol 41, Supplement, p S796 [30 June 2017]  Full article behind paywall Introduction: Self-reports provide … Continue reading

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Practical management of CFS or ME in childhood

Article abstract: Practical management of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis in childhood, by A Brigden, M Loades M, A Abbott, J Bond-Kendall, E Crawley in Archives of Disease in Childhood [Preprint June 28 2017] Full article behind paywall Paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome … Continue reading

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Postural Stability Exercise classes Ceredigion

Are you concerned about yourself or a friend / family member who has had a fall or is afraid of falling? Ceredigion’s National Exercise Referral Scheme are now conducting Postural Stability Exercise Classes across Ceredigion. For some these classes can … Continue reading

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BBC ‘Doctor in the house’ helps person diagnosed with ME & FM

BBC One TV Programme: Doctor in The House Broadcast 27 June 2017 Available on iplayer until 25 July 2017 Dr Rangan Chatterjee helps 2 people suffering from exhaustion: Nicola has been diagnosed with ten different conditions, including fibromyalgia, ME, sciatica … Continue reading

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Prevalence of & risk factors for severe cognitive & sleep symptoms in ME/CFS & MS

Research abstract: Prevalence of and risk factors for severe cognitive and sleep symptoms in ME/CFS and MS, by Jain V, Arunkumar A, Kingdon C, Lacerda E, Nacul L in BMC Neurol. 2017 Jun 20;17(1):117 Background: There are considerable phenotypic and … Continue reading

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No increased risk of CFS after HPV vaccination

Research abstract: HPV vaccination and risk of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: A nationwide register-based study from Norway by Berit Feiring, Ida Laake, Inger Johanne Bakken, Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, Vegard Bruun Wyller, Siri E. Haberg, Per Magnus, Lill Trogstad in Vaccine [Available online … Continue reading

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Carers of children with ME ‘accused of fabrication’

BBC News England, 27 June 2017: Carers of children with ME ‘accused of fabrication’ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or ME, affects about 25,000 children in the UK A “significant number” of those caring for children with ME have been accused of … Continue reading

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Guided self-help for patients with CFS prior to starting CBT

Research abstract: Guided self-help for patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome prior to starting Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A cohort study, by Sheila Ali, Kimberley Goldsmith, Mary Burgess, Trudie Chalder in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 5 May 2017 [Preprint] Background: Previous research suggests that … Continue reading

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