Tag Archives: mental health

Gut bacteria spotted eating brain chemicals for the first time

New Scientist article, by Andy Coghlan, 1 July 2016: Gut bacteria spotted eating brain chemicals for the first time: Bacteria have been discovered in our guts that depend on one of our brain chemicals for survival. These bacteria consume GABA, a … Continue reading

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Survey for mental health service users

If you have used any of the following inpatient services in the past year MIND would like you to complete their survey on Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA): Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Older Persons Mental Health Services Forensic Mental … Continue reading

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NICE corrects classification of CFS/ME

From Tymes Trust: Tyme Trust discovered over the parliamentary recess that NICE had listed the CFS/ME Guideline under mental health. We immediately alerted Patron the Countess of Mar, of whose Forward-ME  group we are a member. NICE’s listing could already have … Continue reading

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Links found between the immune system and mental illness

When we are exposed to an infection, for example influenza or a stomach bug, our immune system fights back to control and remove the infection. During this process, immune cells flood the blood stream with proteins such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), … Continue reading

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More money for CBT, mindfulness etc in Wales

Welsh Government press release: A £650,000 funding boost to improve access to psychological therapies for people with mental health problems in Wales has been announced by Health Minister Mark Drakeford. The funding will support the delivery of psychological therapies – … Continue reading

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