Author Archives: wames

New York Times: Getting it wrong on CFS

New York Times article, by Julie Rehmeyer and David Tuller, 18 March 2017: Getting It wrong on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome What are some of the treatment regimens that sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome should follow? Many major medical organizations cite … Continue reading

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Woman’s Hour features a woman with ME’s experience of being cared for

BBC Radio 4: Woman’s Hour, 15 March 2017 Anastasia, a woman with ME in her early 30s, talks about what its’ like to be cared for by her mother and how hard it is to ask for what she needs. … Continue reading

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A recumbent isometric yoga program for patients with severe CFS/ME

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Our previous randomized controlled trial demonstrated that isometric yoga in a sitting position reduces fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). However, some patients experience difficulties sitting or practicing isometric yoga in a sitting position … Continue reading

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People with ME/CFS don’t trust their GP to give them info on their condition

Healthwatch Trafford press release 17 March 2017: More than half of people in the UK with ME/CFS said they wouldn’t trust their GP to give them information on their condition A revealing new report released today by Healthwatch Trafford shows … Continue reading

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Study shows that clinicians often overestimate potential benefits & underestimate harms

This review looked at the work of clinicians in general, not specifically in relation to ME or CFS. Key Points: Question:  Do clinicians have accurate expectations of the benefits and harms of treatments, tests, and screening tests? Findings:  In this systematic review of … Continue reading

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Dr Ron Davis’s strategic approach to understand ME/CFS

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 8 March 2017: Ron Davis’s Strategic Approach To Understand Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) The Open Medicine Foundation released two videos of Ron Davis talking about their work over the past couple of weeks. … Continue reading

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Patients diagnosed with ME/CFS also fit SEID criteria

Research abstract: Background: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) remains undiagnosed in up to 91% of patients. Recently, the United States-based Institute of Medicine (IOM) developed new diagnostic criteria, naming it systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID). Purpose: We examined how subjects fit SEID criteria … Continue reading

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Cellular immune responses in post-giardiasis CFS

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: The role of pathogen specific cellular immune responses against the eliciting pathogen in development of post-infectious chronic fatigue syndrome (PI-CFS) is not known and such studies are difficult to perform. The aim of this study was to … Continue reading

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WAMES AGM 1 April 2017 – your contribution invited

The WAMES AGM will take place on 1st April 2017. This will be a short business meeting to report on the activities of the past year and plan the priorities for the coming year. Attracting funding and volunteers is our … Continue reading

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First Minister’s Question time addresses employment barriers for long term fluctuating conditions

National Assembly for Wales Recording of proceedings, 7 March 2017: 13:55  Mark Isherwood 3. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i leihau’r rhwystrau i gyflogaeth ar gyfer pobl sydd â chyflyrau iechyd hirdymor cyfnewidiol? OAQ(5)0481(FM) 3. How is the … Continue reading

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