Author Archives: wames

Poem: Words escape

ME Awareness week:       Words escape, a poem by Derryan Paul               ME affects the brain. Words escape. A sentence on a page is meaningless, and yet, you know there is a meaning somewhere … Continue reading

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Gwyneth’s ME story part 3 – walking for ME

ME Awareness Week: Gwyneth’s ME story part 3 – walking for ME   Gwyneth Hopkins is one of a small percentage of people who has recovered from ME within 5 years. Here is part 3 of her story. Part 1 … Continue reading

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Gwyneth’s ME story part 2 – my route to recovery

ME Awareness week:       Gwyneth’s ME story part 2 – the route to recovery   Gwyneth Hopkins is one of a small percentage of people who has recovered from ME within 5 years. Here is part 2 of her story. … Continue reading

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What’s the difference between Covid-19 and ME?

ME Awareness:         What’s the difference between Covid-19 and ME?   It is hard not to see many glaring differences between the attitudes to the illness I have struggled with for years and the latest public health threat. Covid-19 is … Continue reading

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‘Staying at home’ with ME – Sarah’s story

ME Awareness week: ‘Staying at home’ with ME – Sarah’s story   Having had ME for 27 years I’m not expecting to get better. Every day requires time spent lying down, experiencing pain in my muscles and joints and sensitivity … Continue reading

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Gwyneth’s ME story part 1 – trapped in my useless body

ME Awareness week: Gwyneth’s ME story part 1 – trapped in my useless body   Gwyneth Hopkins is one of a small percentage of people who has recovered from ME within 5 years. Here is her story, told in 3 … Continue reading

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Symptoms of ME/CFS

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No Lockdown fun for Melanie, just bedbound with ME

ME Awareness Week: No Lockdown fun for Melanie, just bedbound with ME   My daughter has had ME for the last 27 years, since she was 11 years old when she suffered a bad attack of glandular fever. She was … Continue reading

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WAMES asks Health Minister for combined healthcare strategy for Covid-19 survivors, PVFS & ME

ME Awareness Week: WAMES asks Health Minister for combined healthcare strategy for Covid-19 survivors, PVFS & ME   WAMES has written to the Health Minister and other officials on International ME Awareness day to draw attention to the links between … Continue reading

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The origin of International ME Awareness Day

The origin of International ME Awareness Day – May 12th   Excerpt from: MAY 12th International Awareness Day “If a cause and cure are to be found for ME/CFS, FM, MCS and related illnesses in the near future, government and … Continue reading

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