Category Archives: News

Visual aspects of reading performance in ME

Visual aspects of reading performance in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), by Rachel Wilson, Kevin B. Paterson, Victoria A. McGowan, Claire Hutchinson in Frontiers in Psychology [Preprint July 26, 2018] Research abstract: People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) report vision-related reading difficulty, … Continue reading

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August 8th 2018: Understanding & Remembrance Day for Severe ME

August 8th, 2018: Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe ME, by Jody Smith in Phoenix Rising blog, 4 Aug 2018 Can you read these words I’ve written on this page? Good. Then you know that I am NOT an example … Continue reading

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GPs in Wales will soon classify ME & CFS as neurological

SNOMED now classifies ME and CFS as neurological NHS Wales uses the SNOMED CT electronic terminology system for recording and sharing symptoms, diagnoses, clinical findings, procedures etc. in primary and secondary care and across other health care settings. This replaced the READ … Continue reading

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CFS & Quality of Life

Chronic fatigue syndrome and quality of life, by Deb Roberts in Patient Related Outcome Measures Vol 2018, #9, pp 253-262 [Published August 1, 2018] Article abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a challenging long-term condition (LTC) with complex … Continue reading

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Hair and salivary cortisol in a cohort of women with

Hair and salivary cortisol in a cohort of women with chronic fatigue syndrome, by Megan E Roerink, Sean HPP Roerink, Nadine Skolud, Marieke E van der Schaaf, Ad RMM Hermus, Jos WM van der Meer, Hans Knoop, Urs M Nater … Continue reading

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The putative glymphatic signature of CFS

The putative glymphatic signature of CFS: A new view on the disease pathogenesis and therapy, by Peter Wostyn, Peter Paul De Deyn in Medical Hypotheses Sept 2018, Vol 118, Pages 142–145 Abstract: The underlying pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome remains incompletely understood and there … Continue reading

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Identification of ME/CFS-associated DNA methylation patterns

Identification of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-associated DNA methylation patterns, by Malav S. Trivedi, Elisa Oltra, Leonor Sarria, Natasha Rose, Vladimir Beljanski, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy  G. Klimas, Lubov Nathanson in PLoS One Vol 13, #7, p e0201066 [Published: July 23, 2018] Abstract: Background: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue … Continue reading

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WAMES’ response to draft NICE ME/CFS guideline scope

NICE ME/CFS guideline consultation – WAMES’ response to draft scope Before work on the revised guidelines for ME/CFS can commence, the scope of the discussions needs to be agreed. On 26th July 2018 WAMES submitted final comments on the proposed … Continue reading

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The importance of screening for suicide risk in chronic invisible illness

The Importance of Screening for Suicide Risk in Chronic Invisible Illness, by Cathy L Pedersen in Journal of Health Science & Education Vol 2(4): 1-5 2018 Abstract:  Many people suffering from chronic invisible illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome/ myalgic encephalomyeletis (CFS/ME), fibromyalgia, Lyme … Continue reading

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Checking our blind spots: current status of research evidence summaries in ME/CFS

Checking our blind spots: current status of research evidence summaries in ME/CFS, by Todd E Davenport, Staci R Stevens, J Mark VanNess, Jared Stevens, Christopher R Snell in British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 2018 Editorial: The evidence-based practice (EBP) … Continue reading

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