Category Archives: News

Do anorexia, IBS, CFS share a common cause?

Lancaster University press release, 25 April 2016: Do anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome share a common cause? Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and anorexia nervosa may all have a common origin according to researchers. They speculate that … Continue reading

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Effect of acute exercise on fatigue in people with ME/CFS/SEID

Review abstract: PURPOSE: A prominent symptom of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (ME/CFS/SEID) is persistent fatigue that is worsened by physical exertion. Here the population effect of a single bout of exercise on fatigue symptoms … Continue reading

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Does GET & CBT for CFS improve sleep?

Research review: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET)  are recommended evidence based treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), with research supporting their effectiveness in reducing fatigue and functional impairment. However, little research has focussed on the effect of these treatments … Continue reading

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OMF announces an expanded ME/CFS metabolomics study

Open Medicine Foundation newsletter, May 2016: Announcing the Expanded ME/CFS Metabolomics Study Now that the Severely Ill-BIG DATA Study is fully underway, we want to perform multiple investigations at the same time. Because of the many recent small and large … Continue reading

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Poor medical care & neglect are major factors in ME/CFS suicide

Shout about ME blog post, by Russell Logan, 14 May 2016: Suicide risk 5 times higher in ME/CFS:  Poor medical care, neglect are major factors The risk of suicide among ME/CFS patients is a staggering five times higher than the … Continue reading

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MEGA: new UK research alliance announces ‘big data’ study

MEGA: ME/CFS Epidemiology and Genomics Alliance: On the 13th and 14th of April 2016, experts from multiple fields came together for a ‘grand challenge’ workshop to discuss how to advance research in understanding CFS/ME. It was agreed that: Very large … Continue reading

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Managing medicines – carers’ experiences needed

Can you help Carers Trust Wales to develop standardised guidance/training specifically around medicines administration for unpaid carers? Following the success of their booklet A Carers Guide to Medicine management they are asking carers to answer a questionnaire.  There is also the potential … Continue reading

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Chu says suicide in ME/CFS not always linked to depression and anxiety

Excerpt from article by Dr Lily Chu: Another reason I wanted to write about this topic is to encourage professionals and others to think about reasons for suicide beyond depression and anxiety. This is especially important for ME/CFS since many … Continue reading

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ME Awareness blog posts 2016

Laura’s pen blog post, by Laura Chamberlain, 12 May 2016: The M.E. Adventures comic: energy and exertion #MEawareness   [Introduction:  Today is ME awareness day, and to make a change I thought I’d make a comic. When I decided to do this I … Continue reading

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ME Awareness videos

Living with M.E – Short Documentary [a first year University project ] Aarogyamastu – Chronic fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day – 12th May 2016 – ఆరోగ్యమస్తు [Indian video] Action for ME awareness videos: What is ME? [Prof Julia Newton & Dr Gregor … Continue reading

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