Author Archives: wames

The effect of curcumin in patients with CFS/ME

The effect of curcumin in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis disparate responses in different disease severities, by C (Linda) MC van Campen and Frans C Visser in Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi  Vol 2 Issue 1, pages 6, Nov 19, 2019 … Continue reading

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Prevalence & treatment of CFS/ME & co-morbid severe health anxiety

Prevalence and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME and co-morbid severe health Anxiety, by Jolene Daniels, Paul Salkovskis, Hannah Parker  in Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Nov 2019   Research abstract: Background: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (CFS/ME) is a debilitating condition … Continue reading

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Modification of immunological parameters, oxidative stress markers, mood symptoms, & well-being status in CFS patients after probiotic intake

Modification of immunological parameters, oxidative stress markers, mood symptoms, and well-being status in CFS patients after probiotic intake: observations from a pilot study, by Letizia Venturini, Sara Bacchi, Enrica Capelli, Lorenzo Lorusso, Giovanni Ricevuti, and Chiara Cusa in Oxidative Medicine … Continue reading

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Understanding neuromuscular disorders in CFS

Understanding neuromuscular disorders in chronic fatigue syndrome, by Yves Jammes, Frédérique Retornaz in F1000Research 2019, 8:2020 (   Review abstract: Muscle failure has been demonstrated in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Neurophysiological tools demonstrate the existence of both … Continue reading

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‘The real me shining through M.E.’: visualizing masculinity & identity threat in men with ME/CFS

‘The real me shining through M.E.’: Visualizing masculinity and identity threat in men with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using photovoice and IPA, by Lucina Wilde, Kerry Quincey, I.R Williamson in Psychology of Men & Masculinity, April 30, 2019   Research abstract: … Continue reading

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CFS/ME & FM: the foundation of a relationship

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Fibromyalgia (FM): the foundation of a relationship, by Pamela G Mckay, Colin R Martin, Helen Walker, Mick Fleming in British Journal of Pain Oct 2019 [] Research abstract: Introduction: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/Myalgic … Continue reading

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Low-dose naltrexone in the treatment of ME/CFS

Low-dose naltrexone in the treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), by Olli Polo, Pia Pesonen, Essi Tuominen in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior Nov 19, 2019 [doi/full/10.1080/21641846.2019.1692770]   Research abstract: Background: Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is … Continue reading

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Relationship satisfaction, communication self-efficacy & CFS

Relationship satisfaction, communication self-efficacy, and chronic fatigue syndrome-related fatigue, by Sara F Milrad, Daniel L Hall, Devika R Jutagir, Emily G Lattie, Sara J Czaja, Dolores M Perdomo, Gail Ironson, Brian D Doss, Armando Mendez, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy Klimas, … Continue reading

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Assessing CFS: self-reported physical functioning & correlations with physical testing

Assessing chronic fatigue syndrome: Self-reported physical functioning and correlations with physical testing, by  Jan Eyskens, Jela Illegems, Luc De Nil, Jo Nijs, Jarl K Kampen, Greta Moorkens in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Vol 23, No. 3, Jul 2019, … Continue reading

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ME/CFS as a hyper-regulated immune system driven by an interplay between regulatory T cells & chronic human herpesvirus infections

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a hyper-regulated immune system driven by an interplay between regulatory T cells and chronic human herpesvirus infections, by Nuno Sepúlveda,  Jorge Carneiro,  Eliana M Lacerda and  Luis C Nacul in Front. Immunol. 21 Nov 2019 … Continue reading

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