Category Archives: News

Systematic review & meta-analysis of the prevalence of CFS/ME

Systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome/ myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) by Eun-Jin Lim, Yo-Chan Ahn, Eun-Su Jang, Si-Woo Lee, Su-Hwa Lee & Chang-Gue Son in Journal of Translational Medicine vol 18, no. 100, 24 Feb 2020 … Continue reading

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Coronavirus & ME

A new Virus and ME, a blog post in Occupy ME, by Jennie Spotila, 28 Feb 2020   Extract from blog post: What Do I Do? As of today, there are no special recommendations for immune compromised people on how to … Continue reading

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Cell-based blood biomarkers for ME/CFS

Cell-based blood biomarkers for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by Daniel Missailidis, Oana Sanislav, Claire Y Allan, Sarah J Annesley, Paul R Fisher in Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(3), 1142; []   Research abstract: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) … Continue reading

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Associations of occupational stress, workplace violence & organizational support on chronic fatigue symptoms among nurses

Associations of occupational stress, workplace violence and organizational support on chronic fatigue symptoms among nurses, by Dr Mengyao Li, Dr Qianyi Shu, Dr Hao Huang, Dr Wen Bo, Dr Lulu Wang, Dr Hui Wu in Jan 14312 03 February 2020[]   … Continue reading

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Carnitine conjugation profiling in a selected cohort of patients with CFS

Carnitine conjugation profiling in a selected cohort of patients with CFS, by L Du Plessis. MSc BioChem Dissertation 2019, North West University, South Africa.  21648859   Research abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) … Continue reading

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A critical review to investigate CFS as Sleep Disorder

A critical review to investigate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as Sleep Disorder Aman Gupta, Ramesh C Deka and Shruti Gupta in EC Neurology 12:1 (2020): 01-10   Review abstract: Introduction: Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with marked fatigue and sleep disturbance specifically … Continue reading

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Biomedical insights that inform the diagnosis of ME/CFS

Biomedical insights that inform the diagnosis of ME/CFS, by Brett A Lidbury, & Paul R Fisher, in Diagnostics 2020, 10(2), 92; [] (This article belongs to the Special Issue Biomedical Insights that Inform the Diagnosis of ME/CFS)   Editorial announcing … Continue reading

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IgG stimulated β2 adrenergic receptor activation is attenuated in patients with ME/CFS

IgG stimulated β2 adrenergic receptor activation is attenuated in patients with ME/CFS, by Jelka Hartwig, Franziska Sotzny, Sandra Bauer, Harald Heidecke, Gabriela Riemekasten, Duska Dragund, Christian Meisel, Claudia Dames, Patricia Grabowski, Carmen Scheibenbogen in Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, 5 … Continue reading

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Investigation into cognitive behavioural therapy for CFS/ME

Investigation into cognitive behavioural therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by Catherine E Clark . DClinPsych Thesis, Canterbury Christ Church, April 2019   Thesis abstract: Background: In the UK, CBT is currently recommended as an intervention for CFS/ME. Physical … Continue reading

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An isolated complex V inefficiency & dysregulated mitochondrial function in immortalized lymphocytes from ME/CFS patients

An isolated complex V inefficiency and dysregulated mitochondrial function in immortalized lymphocytes from ME/CFS patients, by Daniel Missailidis, Sarah J Annesley, Claire Y Allan, Oana Sanislav, Brett A Lidbury, Donald P Lewis and Paul R Fisher in J. Mol. Sci. … Continue reading

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