Category Archives: News

Dr Lucinda Bateman on antivirals for ME/CFS?

Dr. Lucinda Bateman answers the question Q: I hear about treating with antivirals like Valcyte, Valtrex and Famvir. My doctor says there’s no evidence that these help. Others claim great results? I don’t know what to think. A: The term … Continue reading

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Dr Leonard Jason’s reflections on SEID

Article abstract: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in the US has recently proposed that the term Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID) replace Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  In addition, the IOM proposed a new case definition for SEID, which includes substantial … Continue reading

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Fatigue & depression levels higher in CFS than cancer

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE: Persistent fatigue and depressive symptoms are both highly prevalent among patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) as well as breast cancer survivors. This study aimed to assess and directly compare perceptions of fatigue as highly interfering … Continue reading

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Colostrum MAF – promising therapy for CFS

 Research abstract: Background: Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor (GcMAF) immunotherapy has been steadily advancing over the last two decades. Oral colostrum macrophage-activating factor (MAF) produced from bovine colostrum has shown high macrophage phagocytic activity. GcMAF-based immunotherapy has a wide application for … Continue reading

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Dr Jacob Teitelbaum overview of research into CFS & ME

Numerous studies, including research on immunologic and hormonal changes, confirm that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are painfully real illnesses. Though many insurance companies continue to deny that science so they can avoid paying healthcare and disability costs, this … Continue reading

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ME/CFS – predisposed to inflammation?

Inflammation is a hot topic in ME/CFS yet no one has taken a comprehensive look at its possible genetic roots. The CDC just did that – and out popped one very specific part of the immune system. Exercise studies that … Continue reading

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Gut Microbiota research funding needed

Invest in ME invites people to donate to their UK Gut Microbiota Research project, which  aims to find whether there is evidence of a leaky gut in ME patients. Goal                         £200,000 Raised 15/7/15     £153,000 Donate online

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World Federation of Neurology writes about ME/CFS

Article extract: In summary, ME/CFS (SEID) is a serious, chronic, complex and systemic disease that often significantly limits the day-to-day activities of those affected. It is characterized by a prolonged, significant decrease in function; fatigue; post-exertional malaise; unrefreshing sleep; difficulties … Continue reading

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Accurate diagnosis of ME and CFS based on objective test methods for characteristic symptoms

Article abstract: Although myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are considered to be synonymous, the definitional criteria for ME and CFS define two distinct, partially overlapping, clinical entities. ME, whether defined by the original criteria or by the … Continue reading

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Stanford University’s ME/CFS research

Researchers are making headway toward finding evidence of chronic fatigue syndrome and how it may change the brain. Ronald W. Davis, a Stanford University genetics researcher who was instrumental in the Human Genome Project, is heading up a new research … Continue reading

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